Unplugging From the Tendrils of Technology
By: Third Space
Today is a working from home day. Like most days. I stare out my window as the sun pokes a hole through the sodden cloud cover sheets. Read more
By: Third Space
Today is a working from home day. Like most days. I stare out my window as the sun pokes a hole through the sodden cloud cover sheets. Read more
By: Brian Harris
I often discusses weighty matters – the future of the church, social trends, significant ethical issues, Christian apologetics, personal growth. Read more
By: Reuben Skewes
Generally speaking, Christians have been better protectors of the Gospel than purveyors of it. We have honed our sword swinging skills rather than our scriptwriting skills. Opting to be keyboard warriors over freedom fighters.
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By: Michael McQueen
Who else is tired? At the beginning of 2022, we were all in a rush to return to normal. Read more
By: City Bible Forum
Do you ever feel that you are just “too” busy? And if so, what do you think might be driving it? Read more
By: Susan Browning
I was always reaching out, always finding something new to take on, always engaged with ministry, always in peoples lives, always over-booking my schedule, then feeling like my brain would burst and my heart felt heavy.
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By: Sheridan Voysey
I came across a helpful word recently: wintering. Author Katherine May uses it to describe those moments when life turns cold through crisis or loss and we find ourselves living at a different, slower pace to everyone else.
By: Stephen McAlpine
How do we make space, to rest and be still, in this constantly “on” age? Is it even possible any longer? Are we so attached to our technology that we have lost the ability to tune out and turn off? And if it is impossible, what are the implications for us relationally and spiritually? Read more
By: Sabrina Peters
As a culture we tend to glorify busyness, productivity, expansion and increase, no matter the cost. We celebrate the go-getters, the super-achievers, who are always hustling, bustling, kicking goals, making money and juggling a million hats at once. They run on coffee and never even seem to sleep. Ambition is what gets them up in the morning and adrenaline is what keeps them up at night. Read more
Even you can soar on wings of eagles. You may have heard the saying, “It’s hard to soar with the eagles when you’re surrounded by turkeys.” Read more