Tag Archive for: neri morris

The Clearing

By: Neri Morris

Who doesn’t love a little creative writing? I haven’t written this way in a while so it came as a bit of a surprise when I sat down to process something that had resurfaced in my life and this is what flowed.  May its ambiguity and symbolism connect with your own story, those moments where something you thought was well and truly dead, resurfaces and you are paralysed by the loaded question of “one step forward or one step back?”


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How Daring Is Your Faith?

By: Neri Morris

That famous story where Peter gets out of the boat and walks on water towards Jesus was my story for over a year in 2016. The journey began late one night when, just as I was falling asleep, the Lord revealed to me the theme for the conference I was planning. Read more

I Tried To Give A Homeless Man A Sandwich

By: Neri Morris

So one day, I tried to give a homeless man a sandwich…

It all started with my morning coffee. I was sitting and sipping the morning away, when the homeless man who lives on the steps of the church I work near, popped into my mind.

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I Tried To Give A Homeless Man A Sandwich

By: Neri Morris

So one day, I tried to give a homeless man a sandwich…

It all started with my morning coffee. I was sitting and sipping the morning away, when the homeless man who lives on the steps of the church I work near, popped into my mind. I had known he was there for weeks but had never felt this prompting to help him in anyway until that morning. Read more

Who Am I To Think I Can Improve The Timing Of God?

By: Neri Morris

Who am I to think I can improve on the timing of God?

2 Peter 3:8 (Amp) says “The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness..” Read more

Recipes For One

By: Neri Morris

I’m one of those people who eat the same thing every night. I know. I’m weird like that. I used to love planning meals and lots of variety but quickly discovered a couple of things: Read more

12 Easy Healthy Snacks

By: Neri Morris

I love snacking. It’s why I struggle to not grab a kilo of hummus and crackers every time I shop. But I love little things to nibble on so I need to have options. But they have to be healthy options! Read more

The Best Indoor Plants

By: Neri Morris

I recently became a mother. Of plants. I have about 14 plants and a few I’m propagating. When I moved into my current place a few months ago, I went plant crazy because I was finally living somewhere that had enough light for them to thrive. Read more

Hey Single Girl, How’d You Go On Mother’s Day?

By: Neri Morris

I am surrounded by amazing mothers and I honour and respect each one of them for the way they love and give to their families. Read more

Is Loneliness A Sin?

By: Neri Morris

Anything that distracts us from God, causing us to doubt and seek comfort elsewhere is sinful. So if loneliness comes from a place where you have taken your eyes off God, does that make it a sin?

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