Tag Archive for: mental health

Men: It’s Okay If You’re Struggling With Isolation. These Tips Will Help You

By: Laura Bennett

Having our normal lives disrupted affects us all – but everyone is experiencing isolation in different ways, with different pressure points between men and women, young and old. Read more

Mental Health Wellness in Isolation


As the coronavirus pandemic continues, many of us may find ourselves stuck at home, and that can naturally lead to some mental health concerns… Perhaps you are feeling lonely, anxious, depressed, or scared. Read more

When Schooling Comes Home

By: Collett Smart

There is a staggered start to online learning all over the country this month – as school holidays officially end. Like many of you, I am picking up this next plate to add to those already spinning in the air. I am actually a teacher as well as a psychologist and let me reassure you, this is not homeschooling. This is not even normal schooling for schools! Read more

How Housebound Families Can Stay Sane

By: Collett Smart

Many around the world have been housebound for some time now. We’re not even sure when this way of living will come to an end. How might we navigate everyone being at home, in a confined space, for most of the day, for an unknown period of time… and still maintain mental fitness? Read more

We Aren’t Perfect, But That’s Okay: ‘We Are Messengers’

By: Laura Bennett

Truth in music is often hard-won. We Are Messengers can only write and sing such uplifting, anthemic, spiritual songs, full of declarations about sin, forgiveness, and mental health—because they’ve each wrestled with these things. Read more

Self-Care in a Public Health Crisis: Mental Health Tips and Tools

By: Clare Bruce

In times of crisis we often struggle with feelings of fear, anxiety, sadness, or hopelessness. There are many things you can do to care for yourself and others. The following expert mental health tips are from Max Schneider, a trauma counselling specialist and trainer at the Australian Institute of Family Counselling (AIFC)*, adapted from an interview given during the January 2020 bushfires. Read more

Helping Your Child with Depression

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Eli is eight years old. He has been diagnosed with depression. And, like it is for anyone with this diagnosis, depression is a daily battle for Eli. His father is essentially absent. His single mother is single-handedly raising three children, working full-time, and trying to do the impossible; stay calm and level while doing it all. Read more

Boosting Your Happiness: The 6 Keys to Mental Health Resilience

By: Laura Bennett

In recent years talking about mental health has become a top priority. Campaigns like ‘RUOK Day’ and organisations like Headspace have brought issues that were once taboo into the spotlight, where they can be addressed, managed and hopefully resolved. Read more

Bushfire Trauma – 12 Expert Tips for Helping Someone Who’s Struggling to Cope

By: Clare Bruce

If you’re an Aussie, and you haven’t been been traumatised yet by the current bushfire season, you probably someone you know has. Read more

Suicide: Here’s What Survivors Want You to Know

By: Sheridan Voysey

Diana is a hair stylist and public health advocate. Chestnut hair, warm smile, she’s good at her job and caring towards others. She’s also a five-time suicide attempt survivor.
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