Tag Archive for: mental health

10 Signs You Are Burning Out

By: Valerie Ling

Did you know that in the past couple of years, there has been a 60% increase of people in Australia searching the term burnout? Read more

Self Care Helps Us Stay the Course

By: Valerie Ling

I’ve spoken at two great events recently. The questions put to me on both days have been thought provoking, and I’d like to unpack one in particular. Read more

Lifeline Celebrates 60 Years of Saving Lives

By: Steff Willis

Established by the late Reverend Sir Alan Walker, the former Superintendent of Wesley Mission, Lifeline exists to ensure no one faces their darkest moments alone. Read more

Carer Fatigue and Burnout: What Is and What To Do

By: Katelyn Tasker

Carers Australia defines carers as ‘people who provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged’. Read more

Check In With Others to Show Your Support

By: Valerie Ling

A couple of years ago I attended a conference about support for first responders. What really stood out to me was the focus on creating a culture where people check in on one another. Read more

New Year, Old Me – Can Anyone Relate?

By: Lorrene McClymont

You close your eyes on December 31st and wake up on January 1st and it’s the ultimate reset. Read more

How to Design Your Day to Prevent Burnout

By: Valerie Ling

I structured my day a little differently today: I designed my best day and acted accordingly.

A little bit of background….

Preventing burnout is an ongoing exercise. You do not really “land” in no burnout zone. The ingredients for burnout is one part a personality that cares. Cares too much at times. This is matched by a drive that does not switch off.

As you grow as a person, as you encounter more things in your life your view of what you “need” to do changes.

My journalling today started with the words: ” I care, which quickly translates to responsibility”

I care about a lot of things. Mainly things that impact people. Thing is so many things impact people. Soon without realising it I have absorbed a range of issues and ideas that I assume are my responsibility to work on.

In my journalling today, I shifted to ask myself, how could I anchor my day today to be the best day of not being responsible, just being present and purposeful. So it went like this, some areas for the day with some key anchors:

Reflect: My daily devotions
Learn: Do a little bit of a small course I have signed up on the Entrepreneurial process
Create: Catching up some new music I have been listening to. It is creative because they are instruments I don’t usually listen to
Connect: Spending time with some friends (actually outside, we read and journaled and chatted)
Productive: Working on my Masters

This did not include everything else that happens in my day, but it was a great way to just dream about the best day to have, and then have these small anchors and move through them. You know what? It was a great day.

Perhaps you could try planning your day in similar way, and see what a difference it might make.

Article supplied with thanks to Valerie Ling.

About the Author: Valerie Ling is a clinical psychologist and consultant with The Centre for Effective Living (a psychology and mental health practice) and The Centre for Effective Serving (a workplace wellbeing consultancy).

Feature image: Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash 

Body Image: When It Becomes an Issue

By: The Centre for Effective Living

Lean bodies, taut muscles, chiselled noses and waif bodies. We cannot escape these images around us. Read more

How Kids Helpline is Normalising ‘Help Seeking’ in Schools

By: Nicky Becker

There is a myth that childhood is always carefree and fun – and while we hope that the majority of childhood is like that, children also face challenges that will impact their mental health. Read more

What Therapy is Like…And What It’s Not

By: Monica Jacob 

Telling people I work as a psychologist is often followed by expressions of surprise and curiosity: “So what exactly do you do with your clients? Do you just talk and solve their problems?” Read more