Tag Archive for: mccrindle

Record Low Birth Rates and a Record High Life Expectancy

By: McCrindle

Australia is experiencing record low birth rates per couple but a record high number birth overall. Women are choosing to delay getting married and having children, prioritising education and career before starting a family.
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Aussies’ Biggest Regrets Are That They Didn’t Do More with the Time They Had

By: McCrindle

As we settle into the 2020’s, it’s the perfect time to reflect not only on last year, but on life so far. Based on the latest survey we conducted, there’s some valuable advice to keep in mind and equip you, as we enter this new decade of massive change.

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From FOMO to JOMO Now It’s VIDMO

By: McCrindle

Social anxieties are not just the domain of young people. Social challenges and their accompanying  acronyms affect each lifestage and generation differently.

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Top 5 Education Trends

By: McCrindle

The education sector provides the framework to educate and prepare Australia’s future generations. The magnitude of this impact warrants investigating and understanding the key trends affecting the education sector.

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Why Australians Are Caught Up In Consumerism

By: McCrindle

Australia is a nation of consumers. Our consumption habits are impacting our physical and emotional lives with four in five Australians (80%) believing they consume significantly or much more than what they need. Are we consuming to distract ourselves from life’s stresses and if so, what can we do about it?

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The Defining Traits Of The Next Generation

By: McCrindle

Today’s generation of children are different from generations past. They are a mix of Generation Z, those born from 1995 to 2009 and Generation Alpha, those born since 2010.
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What Aussies are most hoping for Christmas this year

By: McCrindle

Christmas is the season of spending time with family and gifting presents to loved ones. It can be difficult to know what to buy, and in our latest research we explore the types of gifts Aussies are most hoping for this year … and the worst ones too!
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Donating to Charity Replacing Traditional Gift Giving this Christmas

By: McCrindle

The first Tuesday after the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales is known as Giving Tuesday. In contrast to these mega sales events which encourage rapid consumerism, Giving Tuesday promotes an international day of charitable giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season.
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Black Friday Gaining Recognition in Australia

By: McCrindle

Black Friday is the retail super-day popular in the U.S. and in 2019 it will take place on November 29. It is the day following the Thanksgiving public holiday and in some states, it is an additional holiday. All of this has combined to make it the unofficial start to the Christmas shopping season and the biggest single shopping day of the year. Read more

Australia’s Income and Wealth Distribution

By: McCrindle

The average household annual income is $116,584 and the national average household net wealth has tipped the million-dollar mark for the first time at $1,022,200, according to the ABS’ latest Survey of Income and Housing (2017-18).
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