Tag Archive for: friendship

Four Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who is Hurting

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Once when I was young and I had a position of responsibility of a church, I was called to the hospital bedside of one of the members who had been run over by a truck earlier that day. He had suffered extremely serious injuries and he was lucky to be alive. Read more

Australians Feel Their Friendships Have Deepened Over 2020, According to New Report

By: Laura Bennett

How we form and maintain relationships has had to adapt in a year where much of our communication and connection with friends has turned digital-first. Read more

What Your Friend Really Needs When Their Going Through a Divorce

By: Jennie Scott

So you found out your friend is going through a divorce. She may have called you herself, or you may have heard through the grapevine that her marriage is ending, as half of all do. Read more

Are Your Kids ‘Fun’? It Matters.

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Fun kids are laughing, playing and generally having a good time on the playground. But they’re also building skills that will lead to better relationships. Read more

Don’t Just Find Your Tribe, Open the Circle and Let People In

By: Sabrina Peters

I think sometimes we can get so caught up in finding our tribe, our gang, or even our place that we forget Jesus was never exclusive but always on the look out for the lonely, the hurting and the isolated. Read more

Let’s Be Collaborators, Not Competitors!

by: Harriet Connor

As a mum, I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of seeing other mothers as competitors. When we meet another mum, we immediately start making comparisons; we want to know how we “rank” against her in different areas: our parenting, our appearance, our children, our cooking, our job etc.

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Making Friends, Loneliness and the Bromance

By: Duncan Robinson

Something unusual and funny happened a couple of weeks ago. I made a new friend. It’s not something I anticipated happening, but I headed to one of my kids birthdays and struck up a friendship with a new buddy. Read more


Faith and Friendship

How much impact can faith and friendship have on a marriage?

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