Tag Archive for: faith

stan walker

Winning the Fight With a Family Curse: Stan Walker’s Greatest Battle Yet

By: Clare Bruce

Above: Photo by Alex King Photography

A battle with cancer, an encounter with God, dramatic weight loss, and grappling with his purpose on the earth—Stan Walker has faced it all in the last couple of years. Read more


One of The Best Things You’ll Hear Today: You Are Known

By: Sheridan Voysey

A reflection on Psalm 139.

He knows you. He knows every detail and nanosecond of your existence—every atom, molecule, skin cell, and ligament; every hope, dream, interest, and achievement; every strength, weakness, gladness, and grief. He knows you intimately, through and through. Read more

How to Avoid Stinking Thinking

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Some days I wake up and I know it’s going to be a good day. Other days I wake up and I know that I’m not in the best frame of mind. I’m not necessarily talking about medical conditions like depression and anxiety. I’m talking about the “stinking thinking” that we all struggle with. They are the negative thought patterns that pull you down, and that pull those around you down as well. Read more

solve problems

The Right Way to Solve Your Problems

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

We all have problems! No one who breathes on this earth is exempt from them. So, what is the right way to solve your problems if you are a follower of Jesus? Read more


What Does it Mean That Jesus Was Buried in a New Tomb?

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Sometimes we just have to dig a little to find beautiful meanings hidden just under the surface of the Bible. John 19:41 is one of those verses. It tells us that Jesus was buried in a “new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid” (NIV). Read more


A Theology of Chocolate – How Our Twisted Ideas Turned God into a Killjoy

By: Tania Harris

Magnums are one of my all-time favourite ice-creams. I love the smooth Belgian chocolate and the rich ice-cream inside. But some years ago, Magnum launched a new marketing campaign, labelling each of their ice-creams with one of the seven deadly sins. Read more

mother and child

Could You Leave Me with a Scar?

By: Neri Morris

In her debut single ‘Scar’, Missy Higgins belted out these deeply real and authentic lyrics: Read more


A Tale of Two God-Decisions | How to Know God’s Will

By: Tania Harris

Decision-making as a Christian can get complicated. Some people say we need to hear God’s voice in all our decisions; others say the will of God is wide open and we can choose whatever option seems best to us. How do we know God’s will for our lives? To address this question, I’m going to share from two different scenarios in my own life: one in which God spoke and one in which he didn’t. Read more


The Morning Dawns and the Evening Fades

By: Susan Browning

It usually starts with someone either screaming, crying, kicking me or begging for TV before a reasonable hour. It’s my life, and I love it. But most days do begin startled or in a groan and a vague rolling out of bed after a lot of denial. It’s a rude awakening. Read more

travel lightly

How to Travel Lightly Through the World

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

There’s two kinds of travellers: those that pride themselves on packing as little as possible, and those who pack as much as they’re allowed. I must confess to being one of the latter! Read more