Tag Archive for: articles

Spielberg’s New Film 'The Post' and the Media’s Struggle to Tell the Truth

By: Laura Bennett

In an era of ‘fake news’ and questionable Facebook feeds, Stephen Spielberg’s political thriller The Post is already making waves in government circles, this week being banned in Lebanon and having its historical accuracy challenged. Read more

what's the point

What’s the Point?

By: Elaine Fraser

What if money was no object? What would you do? Read more

aussie spread

Aussie Spread Recipe (Vegemite Alternative)

By: Susan Joy | The JOYful Table

 Why would I make a homemade “Aussie Spread” recipe? I can hear you say, what about store-bought black spreads? Most of us would be able to sing the TV ad ‘We’re happy little Vegemites, as bright as bright can be, we all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea‘. 

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Being Scared but Doing It Anyway

By: Yvette Cherry

As the Worship Ministry Coordinator in my church, it is often my job to lead the church on Sunday when we sing together. I have been doing this for many years now- maybe 15 or so years, first at night and then in the morning services. Read more


Radical Wonder

By: Elaine Fraser

Awareness of the divine begins with wonder – Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

I sit in a café and watch a little girl play with her toys. ‘Wow!’  Her voice is filled with wonder. She’s focused, she’s smiling, and her eyes are filled with amazement. Read more


Stop Stuffing Stuff In: Why Relationships Don’t Work on Efficiency

By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families

My wife and I are parents to six daughters.

Yes… six. Yes, we intentionally conceived them. No we weren’t trying for a boy. Yes, we do own a television (which we clearly do not have time to watch.) Read more

What I Learned Running 1000 Miles Last Year

By: Jennie Scott

I haven’t always been a runner, and I still don’t think of myself as an athlete. I was 26 years old (and 6 months postpartum) when I ran my first 5k, and I still find it hard to believe I’ve run two marathons. Read more

best books

The Best Books I Read in 2017 (All 30 of Them)

By: Sheridan Voysey

Well here it is – my annual list of the best books I read last year, those I endorsed, and all the others worth your time. (Unlike other years I had no books I couldn’t finish, so everything here is worth a look!) I preference good books over new books and that’s reflected in the list, with lots of older titles among the new ones. Read more


Giving Your Preschooler a Good Foundation

By: Focus On The Family

Parents of preschoolers can put themselves under a whole lot of pressure, barking out orders and trying to juggle everything under the sun, with the hope their children will turn out right.

But there’s a better way. Tim Sanford offers some simple advice about giving your children a choice and a voice to help them prepare for the future. Read more

Tim tam cheesecake

The Tim Tam Cheesecake – Proof That God Loves Us

By: Sam Chan | Espresso Theology

Over the holidays, my wife and I baked a Tim Tam Cheesecake, not once, not twice, but three times!

(Shout out to Kris who gave me the recipe – see below.) Read more