Tag Archive for: articles

world's longest prayer chain

Creating The World's Longest Prayer Chain: Five Kilometres Long, and Growing

By: Clare Bruce

Imagine a paper chain, made up of bright yellow festival wrist bands, stretching more than five kilometres long. Read more

tarragon chicken waldorf salad

Tarragon Chicken with Waldorf Salad

By: Susan Joy

A refreshing twist to the classic Waldorf Salad with the addition of my tasty Tarragon Chicken and creamy tarragon dressing. This salad has a great combination of favours and textures. Perfect for a week-end meal or when a lighter dinner is required. Read more


Speak the Future into Today

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

How should we live our lives if we believe in the Good News of the Kingdom of God? That was the question on the minds of the thousands of people who gathered to hear Jesus teach on a mountainside two thousand years ago. Read more

Israel folau

5 Reflections From the Israel Folau Media Storm

By: Akos Balogh

Australian Rugby star Israel Folau has found himself in hot water. As an outspoken Christian, he put up a post on Instagram showing us how God’s plan for our lives is often different to our plans. Someone then posted a comment, asking the question: ‘What was God’s plan for gay people?’. To which Folau replied: ‘HELL…unless they repent and turn to God’. Read more

chinese bible

Ban on Bible Sales in China to be Reinforced

By: Anne Rinaudo

China’s government last week issued a ban on internet sales of the Bible. Beijing also issued its first white paper on religious freedom in 21 years. There is a long-standing rule that the Bible cannot be sold publicly or on the internet in China but oversight of this rule has been allowed to slide over the years. Read more

batman parenting

Channelling the Inner Batman

By: Dr Justin Coulson

“If you do what I ask you to, you’ll get a gold star on the reward chart.”

“No treats until you’ve done your job.”

“We’re not going to the park if you won’t do what you’re told!” Read more

solve problems

The Right Way to Solve Your Problems

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

We all have problems! No one who breathes on this earth is exempt from them. So, what is the right way to solve your problems if you are a follower of Jesus? Read more

Australian Cricket – All Balls but No Brain – What Were You Thinking?

By: Sam Chan

So … the Australian cricket team has been caught cheating. Tampering with the ball – with yellow (what were you thinking?) sandpaper – so that the ball swings in the air, making it unplayable for the South African batsmen. Read more


To the Parent Without the Right Answers

By: Jennie Scott

Tears streamed down my child’s face, the frustration apparent.

The frustration was clear, but the real issue wasn’t. I couldn’t get to the root of the matter. Was it exhaustion? A misunderstanding? Did something happen at school? What was really going on?

I never figured it out. My questioning and probing did no good with the child sprawled across my bed, so I couldn’t make sense of it.

Which basically summarises being a parent. Read more