Tag Archive for: articles

happy marriage

The True Strength of Marital Gentleness

By: Paul Coughlin

During my dating years, I heard a husband respond to his wife in such a gentle and humorous way that it didn’t even appear he had corrected her at all. Read more


Let Your Yes Be Yes… and Your No Be No.

By: Susan Browning

I’m a planner. I like order. I thrive when structure is around me. But lately God’s been reshaping flexibility in my life. Actually, let’s rephrase that…. because it hasn’t even been that recent. It’s been this gradual life inclination to a spontaneous life and each level I’ve been stretched and it’s been uncomfortable. And then I find order and I breathe and I’m happy until the next “can we reschedule?” appears before us. Read more


How Do I Deal with My Child’s Sensitivity and Anxiety?

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Instead of toughening our children up, let’s develop that sensitivity and find ways to support their resiliency at the same time. It is possible to be sensitive and resilient.

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stan walker

Winning the Fight With a Family Curse: Stan Walker’s Greatest Battle Yet

By: Clare Bruce

Above: Photo by Alex King Photography

A battle with cancer, an encounter with God, dramatic weight loss, and grappling with his purpose on the earth—Stan Walker has faced it all in the last couple of years. Read more

David ingles

Would Universal Basic Income Beat Poverty?

By: Anne Rinaudo

Ronald Henderson famously chaired a Commission of Inquiry into Poverty in the early 1970’s.

In his report, Henderson sought to identify the extent of poverty in Australia in terms of inadequate income relative to need. Read more


One of The Best Things You’ll Hear Today: You Are Known

By: Sheridan Voysey

A reflection on Psalm 139.

He knows you. He knows every detail and nanosecond of your existence—every atom, molecule, skin cell, and ligament; every hope, dream, interest, and achievement; every strength, weakness, gladness, and grief. He knows you intimately, through and through. Read more

god's not dead 3

God’s Not Dead 3 – Should the Church Still Have a Place in My Community?

By: Laura Bennett

Even if the numbers of people who call themselves ‘Christian’ has fluctuated in Australia over the years, there’s a lot about our nation that finds its origin in the faith. Our settlement represents a complex time in history, but part of what the Europeans brought with them, was their Christianity. Read more

cashew chicken

Cashew Chicken

By: Susan Joy

In my version of Cashew Chicken I’ve used shredded cabbage in place of noodles. The Asian satay flavour is achieved by using cashew butter. This is an economical meal that’s nutritious and will suit the whole family. (For a nut free version, omit the roasted cashews and replace the cashew butter with sunflower butter). Read more


Signs in the Sky

By: Yvette Cherry

I was lying in the sun on Port Beach when my dripping wet four-year-old pointed at the sky and asked, “what does that say, Mum?” Read more


Staying Together When Tragedy Strikes Your Marriage

By: Focus On The Family

Katherine nearly died, but Jay remained by her side during the next two years of recovery.  Read more