An Encounter with God on the Moon: Astronaut Jim Irwin’s Incredible Lunar Experience

By: Clare Bruce

James (Jim) Irwin, one of the astronauts on the Apollo 15 mission to the Moon in 1971, was a believer who had a spiritual encounter with God while on the lunar surface. It was a moment that would change the course of his life.
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Pure Baby Bliss between Grandmas and Mothers?

By: Jan Murray

Our guest blogger this week is Jan Murray, reflecting on Grandmothers helping Mothers. Is it a case of pure baby bliss? Or is it a family melt-down?Well, at very least, let’s avoid the melt-down!

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3 Ways to Future-Proof our Schools, Students and Educational System

By: Michael McQueen

With widespread change expected in our future the need for educational systems and educators themselves to be future-fit has never been greater.
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How God’s Forgiveness Works

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

It’s not easy to understand forgiveness, let alone accept it and give it to others ourselves. And if we struggle to grasp human forgiveness, how much more do we struggle to understand how God forgives, because God is not like us.
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Riding the Storm

By: Rodney Olsen

The rain is coming. Storms too. It might get pretty wild over the next week but I’ll just stay inside.
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Addiction, Theft, Prison and God’s Unrelenting Grace

By: Sumy

I was kindergarten age when I began smoking. I would pick up cigarette ends and smoke them just for fun. It was probably because of the lack of love I received as a child.

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“Singing People Back to God”: Stan Walker’s Back, Bringing Hope & Love to Fans

By: Laura Bennett

The last time Stan Walker graced our screens, we learned about his fight with cancer in the ‘STAN’ documentary. Read more

Thousands Gather to Share the Gospel in Mombasa, Kenya

By: Laura Bennett

With an estimated population of approximately 1.5 million, Mombasa is the oldest city in Kenya. It’s the second largest behind Nairobi, with a strategic location along the Indian Ocean that’s seen Mombasa thrive as an economic and cultural hub.
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Use Your Influence to Spark Revival — Brian’s Story

By: yesHeis

Entertainer and social media influencer, Brian Liu, first experienced Jesus at age 12 while attending a conservative church in New York. Now based in Beijing, Brian works to influence his city not only through his career in the world of fashion and lifestyle but also with the positivity and joy he has found in Jesus.
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What a Little Girl Named Phoebe Can Tell Us About Ourselves

By: Sheridan Voysey

Call me a slow learner, but it’s only recently that I’ve come to realise what a miracle conception is. One sperm out of millions meets one egg out of thousands to produce us. And before that, our parents. And before that, their parents.
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