What People Don’t Want to Hear About Success
Consistency and patience in the face of obstacles is what gets you to the mountain top, writes Rachel Reva.
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But we are proud to say that Rhema Central Coast contributed 3819 entries already.
Consistency and patience in the face of obstacles is what gets you to the mountain top, writes Rachel Reva.
Who made God? The short answer, is of course, that no-one made God. God is himself the maker and original cause of all that exists…
While black and white thinking can give us a sense of certainty and clarity, life hardly ever fits neatly into one of two categories.
The future consumer is reshaping the landscape of the retail world, calling for accountability in their operations.
Alejandro Monteverde’s ‘Sound of Freedom’ is top-quality artistry that has captured the world’s attention in unprecedented fashion.
When David turned five, his mother made the heart wrenching decision to send him to a boarding school for the blind, almost three hours away.
Atong Bul escaped to Uganda with her mother and siblings after her father was shot by rebel forces in South Sudan.
While Jean Luc Picard is not quite fully human, and not quite fully AI, the Bible tells us that Jesus is both fully human and fully God.
Justin fled war in South Sudan, and he sees education as a pathway back to his homeland. He starts studying at 4am each day.
The Hillsong co-founder has been acquitted on charges of concealing his father’s historical abuse of a 7-year-old boy.