Tag Archive for: third space

“Deeply Crazy” – A Way to Better Relationships

By: Robert Martin, God in 60 Seconds 

How do we have better relationships? Atheist philosopher Alain de Botton is critical of the notion, popular today, that claims that people are basically good and ‘angelic by nature’ because he says that this view of people is ‘highly troubling for relationships’. Read more

A Radical Approach to Annoying Colleagues

By: City Bible Forum

It’s often said the hardest part of any job is not the job itself, but the people we work with. Read more

“What’s for Dinner Tonight?” Overload – With a Side of Decision Fatigue!

By: City Bible Forum

3pm on a Thursday afternoon. I needed to write an article but I just couldn’t decide on what to write. The low blood sugar didn’t help. But the indecision was due to more than that. Read more

When ‘Reloading’ Isn’t an Option: Dealing with Real Life and Decision Paralysis

By: City Bible Forum

It’s really dark, but I’ve done this a hundred times before. I need to know where they are, without them ever finding out I’m here too, skulking in the shadows of an eerily empty street.   Read more

‘Nope Speed’ – Moving So Fast That You Fall Apart… Sound Familiar?

By: Third Space, City Bible Forum

I love watching the Slow Mo Guys on YouTube. There is something so appealing about watching destruction at 28,500 frames per second. They spin an apple faster and faster until they find the apple’s ‘nope-speed’ of 6565 RPM and it disintegrates into fruit salad. Your eyes are glued to the screen as the apple spins towards inevitable destruction.
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Is Your Work a One-Sided Romance? Find a New Identity

By: City Bible Forum

There’s a saying: “Find a job you love and you’ll never work another day in your life”. Career advice that many of us have no doubt adhered to, and probably even shared with others. 

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