Where Do My Dreams Come From?
By: Tania Harris
Everybody dreams. Scientists tell us that we all dream for one to two hours a night.1 Dreams are a normal and healthy part of being human. But where do they come from? Read more
By: Tania Harris
Everybody dreams. Scientists tell us that we all dream for one to two hours a night.1 Dreams are a normal and healthy part of being human. But where do they come from? Read more
By: Tania Harris
Jarrod was an Australian farmer facing the worst drought of his life. For months he had done everything to steward his resources and use best practises to manage the farm that is home to his wife and their six children. Read more
By: Tania Harris
Should a woman ask a man out on a date? I asked this question once to a class full of young and hip ministry students. The overwhelming majority objected without a hiccup. “No. Never!” one guy declared with rock-solid conviction. “That’s such a turnoff!” said another crossing his arms. Read more
By: Tania Harris
God’s words have the power to transform lives. Jesus said they are “spirit and they are life” (John 6:63) and that we can’t live without them (Matthew 4:4). Here’s a testimony from our online community that shows how God’s words bring grace and hope to the darkest of circumstances: Read more
By: Tania Harris
What is God saying to us in the midst of our pain? In this episode of the God Conversations podcast, we’re talking about the questions we ask when life goes wrong. Read more
By: Tania Harris
God is in control. It’s a phrase we often hear in a crisis such as this. We tend to use it as a comforting slogan whenever something goes wrong. “God is in control” we say, when someone dies; when we lose our job; when our health fails. Read more
By: Tania Harris
What plans have you had cancelled due to the coronavirus? My plans for the next four months have been completely wiped out. Read more
By: Tania Harris
We know that God speaks, but how do we know it’s God we’re hearing? We may have heard the stories of God speaking and the miracles that result. Read more
By: Tania Harris | God Conversations
We know that God is able to speak to us by his Spirit, but does God speak to those who don’t know him?
By: Tania Harris | God Conversations
Unforgiveness stops us from hearing God’s voice almost more than any other area. When we bear unforgiveness in our heart, we can’t get through to God and we won’t be able to hear him.
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