Year 12 Exam Stress is Crushing Me! Help!
By: Emily Bemmer
Did you know there are websites counting down the seconds until the HSC begins?! As if there isn’t enough stress already! Read more
By: Emily Bemmer
Did you know there are websites counting down the seconds until the HSC begins?! As if there isn’t enough stress already! Read more
By: Lauren Chee
At times when stress hits us hard, we may need some quick and practical resilience tools. Read more
By: Third Space, City Bible Forum
I love watching the Slow Mo Guys on YouTube. There is something so appealing about watching destruction at 28,500 frames per second. They spin an apple faster and faster until they find the apple’s ‘nope-speed’ of 6565 RPM and it disintegrates into fruit salad. Your eyes are glued to the screen as the apple spins towards inevitable destruction.
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Picture this scenario:
You’re opening up to a friend about the overwhelming challenges you face as you juggle your children and your multitudinous other responsibilities. You outline the weight of the burdens you carry. The kids, the job, the financial stress, the endless laundry, and the fact that you are the one carrying the mental load of the household. Read more
By: Sheridan Voysey
Stop. Breathe. Interrupt the rush. There is deep meaning to be found in our everyday lives, but we won’t find it if we don’t pause to reflect, listening for the Voice that can only be heard in stillness. Read more
By: Jennie Scott
I know.
I know that what looks easy in your life takes great planning and coordination and a whole lot of work plus a little bit of luck. Read more
How should we live our lives if we believe in the Good News of the Kingdom of God? That was the question on the minds of the thousands of people who gathered to hear Jesus teach on a mountainside two thousand years ago. Read more
The way you’re wired impacts how you respond to stress. Read more
By: Elaine Fraser
I sat on the couch next to my husband and every word he spoke grated against my soul. It was like fingernails scratching down an old-school blackboard. Everything in me felt scraped and raw and I wanted to scream, ‘Shut up!’ Read more