Tag Archive for: sheridan voysey

The One Question the Dalai Lama Couldn’t Answer. Can You?

By: Sheridan Voysey

A few years ago I went to hear the Dalai Lama speak at a public meeting. He lectured on the importance of having compassion, then took some questions from the audience. As the event was about to end, the MC said: “Your holiness, here is one final question—What is the meaning of life?” Read more

fallow year rest

Do You Need a ‘Fallow Year’? the Ancient Art of a Year of Rest

By: Sheridan Voysey

‘You reap what you sow’ is a powerful principle describing the way that much of life works. Plant a seed of goodness, kindness or faith, and a harvest of that same quality will follow later. But there’s another related concept we sometimes miss. Read more

sacred meals

In a Fast Food World, Are We Losing the Art of Sacred Meals?

By: Sheridan Voysey

When was the last time you had a truly special meal where you left the table changed, uplifted, fulfilled? You came burdened but left lighter (at least emotionally). Your soul was filled, not just your stomach. Read more


Are You Running to False Places of Safety?

By: Sheridan Voysey

Well, our new puppy Rupert Reginald McScruffy is proving popular with the public. People stop me in the street to pat him. Facebook friends love his videos. At this rate he’ll be finding himself an agent, getting promo shots done, and forgetting to return my calls.  Read more

career fulfilment

Seeking Fulfilment Through Your Career? Try This Instead

By: Sheridan Voysey

What a gift it is to do work you love. To get paid for using your talents and abilities. To not just earn a living but contribute something necessary to society. When we spend so much of our lives at our workplace, it only makes sense that we find a career that’s fulfilling. Read more


Truths to Hold When the Path Gets Tough: The Resilience Creed

By: Sheridan Voysey

Tony Horsfall is a UK-based writer, retreat leader and spiritual director. His books include Spiritual Growth in a Time of Change, Deep Calls to Deep and the best-selling Rhythms of Grace, and he hosts the annual Spiritual Mentoring Forum. Tony’s next book project will be on the theme of resilience. Read more


Behind-The-Scenes People: Your Work is Indispensable

By: Sheridan Voysey

In a celebrity-driven age like ours it’s easy to applaud those who work on the top deck—the public faces of business, government, medicine, entertainment—while overlooking those who work in the galleys and engine rooms that keep the ship running. Are you a back office, behind-the-scenes kind of person? Well, your talents matter and your work is indispensable.

I have a friend named Mick who works on a ship called the Africa Mercy, run by the wonderful charity Mercy Ships. It’s a converted rail ferry that operates as a floating hospital, providing free healthcare to the poorest of the poor in developing countries. Every day hundreds queue up to be treated by its surgeons and therapists. The ship spends months in each port, healing thousands of tumours, cataracts and club feet before it leaves.

When TV crews board the Africa Mercy they naturally point their cameras on the ship’s medical staff. The work of these amazing volunteers is miraculous: fixing a little boy’s cleft palate, removing a giant goitre from a woman’s neck, removing shame, restoring dignity. Sometimes a journalist will wander below deck to interview other crew members. But few take pictures of the work Mick does.

Mick and his wife Tammy left good jobs to bring their young family on board the ship. Mick has an MBA, he was a chief engineer in the Navy, and dropped two levels of seniority to join. He admits he was surprised when he first heard where he’d been assigned to work on the ship—in its sewage plant.

With over 600 people on board the Africa Mercy at any time, up to 40,000 litres of waste is produced each day. Managing this toxic material is serious business. Without Mick carefully tending its pipes and pumps, the whole life-giving operation would shut down.

Nobody Achieves Alone

In a celebrity-driven age like ours it’s easy to applaud those on the top deck—the public faces of business, government, medicine, entertainment—and overlook those working in the galleys and engine rooms: the cooks, cleaners, accountants, assistants, techs, producers, and sewage system engineers.

Saint Paul wouldn’t let anyone overlook lower-deck people. He took Christians in Corinth to task for celebrating those with miraculous abilities—like the ability to heal—while playing down less spectacular talents. No, he said, every gift is important; everyone is needed on the team. In fact, the less prominent the role, the more important it is.

Remove just one cog and a watch won’t tick. Remove someone like Mick from the Africa Mercy and cleft palates won’t get fixed. (And you know what? Mick loves his job.) Those of us who have public-facing roles should remember this—no one achieves alone, so be quick to affirm your team. And those of us on the lower decks can lift our heads high—our roles too are indispensable.

Article supplied with thanks to Sheridan Voysey.

About the Author: Sheridan Voysey is a writer, speaker and broadcaster on faith and spirituality. His books include Resilient, Resurrection Year, and Unseen Footprints. Get his FREE eBook Five Practices for a Resilient Life here.


Confused About the Direction of Your Life? This Might Help

By: Sheridan Voysey

The plan seemed clear. The path seemed straight. But diversion after diversion beset you. Now you wonder if you’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere and will ever reach your dreamed-of destination. You’re in such a different place to where you thought you’d be by now. Read more


The Fastest Growing Religion in the World? You Might Already Be a Member

By: Sheridan Voysey

Think for a moment about a large shopping mall near you.

Think about its awesome size, its ceiling to the sky and its escalators climbing to heaven. Think of all those shops inside, with their ultra-slim manikins in the windows giving us a vision of who we could become. Read more