Tag Archive for: self care

Becoming Undistracted is About our Values, Not To-Do Lists

By: Laura Bennett

We all know far too well how easy it is to set our mind on doing a task or making a lifestyle change, only to find ourselves completely off track with our goals and occupied by distractions. Read more

“What’s for Dinner Tonight?” Overload – With a Side of Decision Fatigue!

By: City Bible Forum

3pm on a Thursday afternoon. I needed to write an article but I just couldn’t decide on what to write. The low blood sugar didn’t help. But the indecision was due to more than that. Read more

‘Self-Care is Vital in the Unrelenting News Cycle’

By: Laura Bennett

Whatever your diet of news consumption was before the pandemic, it’s likely in the last three years you’ve watched more updates, press conferences, and alerts about natural disasters and world events than in previous ones. Read more

There’s a Word for What I’m Experiencing: Wintering. Maybe You’re Feeling it Too

By: Sheridan Voysey

I came across a helpful word recently: wintering. Author Katherine May uses it to describe those moments when life turns cold through crisis or loss and we find ourselves living at a different, slower pace to everyone else. 

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6 Surprising Self-Care Strategies that Work

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Picture this scenario:

You’re opening up to a friend about the overwhelming challenges you face as you juggle your children and your multitudinous other responsibilities. You outline the weight of the burdens you carry. The kids, the job, the financial stress, the endless laundry, and the fact that you are the one carrying the mental load of the household. Read more

The Simple Reason I Pack My Lunch And Set My Alarm

By: Jennie Scott

It’s such a pain, meal-prepping every Sunday evening. I take out the spaghetti squash and the extra-lean ground turkey, and I put together my lunches for the week. I’m one of those who eats the same thing every single day, just for the sake of simplicity. The less I have to think, the better. Read more

Why Self-care Is Important to Your Marriage

By: Amy Van Veen

What fills your tank? Perhaps you already know the answer to this question – as well as why it’s important for your life, your family and your marriage. But if you’re like most, you’ve probably never asked yourself what it is that fills you with joy and energy. Read more


Take a Moment Monday: Check in With Yourself

By: Elaine Fraser

If today was the last day of your life, what would you change?

When Elizabeth Gilbert quoted an older friend who said that every thoughtful woman, every ten years, should take some time to be alone with herself, in order to re-examine the direction of her own life, and to decide if any alterations need to be made, it made an impression on me. Read more