Tag Archive for: Sabrina Peters

Crushing the Curse of Comparison

By: Sabrina Peters

Have you ever found yourself dissatisfied with your own life after looking at the person’s next to you? Read more

Why I Waited for the Wedding Night – the Truth about Abstinence

By: Sabrina Peters

When I was a teenager I kissed a lot of guys. My high school years were riddled with multiple short-lived romances. In grade 10 I entered a relationship with a guy that lasted almost 3 years. I genuinely thought I was in love. Read more

Why Our Pursuit of “Happiness” Is Actually Leaving Us Unhappy

By: Sabrina Peters

We live in a day and age obsessed with happiness and we’ll do just about anything to obtain it. We’re hooked on the pursuit of “feeling good”, yet in reality so many of us are left feeling bad. Read more

3 Ways That Your Daughter Can Guard Her Heart

By: Sabrina Peters

If you’ve been around Church for more than 2 minutes you’ve probably heard someone, “Guard your heart”. Well it’s good advice! Actually, it’s great advice! The bible tells us in Proverbs that from our heart everything else flows. So it makes sense to protect it. Read more

Tis’ the Season He’s the Reason

By: Sabrina Peters

I love the festive season! The lights, the decorations, the tree, the family gatherings and endless supply of Christmas day leftovers. But why do we celebrate? Read more

Thinking of Inking? A Pastor’s Opinion on Tattoos

By: Sabrina Peters

To a regular person “Tattoos” are no biggie. Getting inked is in. It’s cool, artistic, prolific in our generation. It’s a way to express yourself, your individuality, your passions, your pleasures, your causes, your people or just your girlfriend’s name on your bicep. Read more

Whose Kingdom Are You Building?

By: Sabrina Peters

Did you know it’s possible to spend your life serving God and end up not really knowing Him? It’s possible to build a big Church, big youth ministry or big online platform and completely forget who it’s all really for. Read more


An Interview with 10 Virgins

By: Sabrina Peters

“No one stays a virgin until they get married!” That is what most people think. Holding onto the big V is kind of ridiculous in our sexually saturated culture. Well I take time out with 10 “Virgins” and ask them WHY they decided to guard the carnal treasure. Their answers will shock you. Read more


50 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before Babies

By: Sabrina Peters

Having a baby is totally AMAZING but let’s be honest for a second. It can be kinda scary, mega hectic and ridiculously lovely all meshed into one. There’s so much the books don’t cover and your friends forget to tell you. Here are some things I learnt on the job! Read more


How Far is Too Far?

By: Sabrina Peters

How far is too far? That’s the number one question on the minds of Christian teenagers all over the planet. They want to know what they can touch, taste, and caress (pre-marriage) before God gets mad at them or they end up feeling guilty. Read more