Tag Archive for: Sabrina Peters

Great Verses From the Book of Peter

By: Sabrina Peters

The book of Peter is a treasure chest of Biblical gold, overflowing with direction, correction and revelation. I’ve collated a few of my favourite verses. Read more

When God Says No

By: Sabrina Peters

Have you ever wanted something so badly or prayed for something for a really long time and it just felt like God said, no. I know I have! Probably more times than I can count. Read more

Rejecting Busy | Living in Rhythm

By: Sabrina Peters

As a culture we tend to glorify busyness, productivity, expansion and increase, no matter the cost. We celebrate the go-getters, the super-achievers, who are always hustling, bustling, kicking goals, making money and juggling a million hats at once. They run on coffee and never even seem to sleep. Ambition is what gets them up in the morning and adrenaline is what keeps them up at night. Read more

Forgiveness Frees Us

By: Sabrina Peters

We can’t change what’s happened to us, but we can choose to find freedom and healing through forgiveness. I know, it’s so easy to say, hard to do, but ultimately worth it. Read more

Living in Purpose

By: Sabrina Peters

When you hear the term ‘purpose’, what words come to mind? Success? Happiness? Meaning? Wealth? Marriage? Influence? Affluence? Talent? Relationships? As a Christian, I find my answer in God’s Word. Read more

What You Think You Need Vs What You Actually Need

By: Sabrina Peters

At 10, I thought I needed a new huffy bike to be cool (true story).
At 12, I thought I needed a boyfriend to make me valuable.
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Stop Telling God Your Plan and Just Hand Him the Pen

By: Sabrina Peters

I used to give God advice on how to run my life (from time to time I probably still do). But I’ve learnt a blank page in God’s hand is far more powerful than a full notebook in mine. Read more

Modern Day Idols

By: Sabrina Peters

So, what’s an idol? Maybe thoughts of wooden statues or graven images immediately spring to mind. Maybe the words of Exodus 20:3 echo in your head, “You must have no other gods apart from me.” Maybe an idol seems completely irrelevant to your life. After all, if I went into your home right now, I probably wouldn’t find any stone altars or brass statues and see you bowing down on the floor. Read more

Encouragement for the Person Who’s Waiting on a Promise

By: Sabrina Peters

“You are faithful to fulfil every promise you’ve made. You manifest yourself as kindness in all you do.” Psalm 145:13 (TPT) Read more

The Expectation Gap

By: Sabrina Peters

Have you ever bought something online that you were so excited about, but when it finally arrived, it looked nothing like the photo? The description read ‘high quality denim’ but the product ended up with more loose ends than your mums famous spaghetti. Read more