Developing Deep, Resilient Faith in Our Kids
By: Annette Spurr
How do you measure success as a parent? Is it when your adult child lands their dream job, gets married, or just turns out to be a nice person? Read more
By: Annette Spurr
How do you measure success as a parent? Is it when your adult child lands their dream job, gets married, or just turns out to be a nice person? Read more
By: Kristian Johnson
“Women tend to care for kids, and dads tend to play with kids, and kids need both… And it’s amazing how these two things complement one another… this is what men and women do naturally because of their biological differences, because of their brain chemistry differences, and the amazing thing is, it optimises child development.” ~ Katy Faust Read more
By: Michelle Nortje
Anyone who is about to become a parent, or who has friends or family members who have recently had a child, should be aware of the signs and symptoms of perinatal depression.
By: City Bible Forum
A few weeks ago I stumbled across a new Australian podcast from funny-guy Hamish Blake. Read more
By: Kristian Johnson
In his latest Conversations Interview, John Anderson is joined by Professor James Tooley for a fascinating conversation about the role of education in the modern age.
By: Annette Spurr
Every mother, if she’s honest, will tell you that motherhood is both their greatest honour and hardest struggle. Read more
By: City Bible Forum
For most of this year, my wife and I have been agonising over whether to send our first born, nearly 4-year-old son, to a public or an independent religious school. Read more
By: Collett Smart
“I love teenagers!” Yet… I find that whenever I say this phrase people look at me and chuckle, as if waiting for the punchline. There is none. Read more