Tag Archive for: music

The Power of Music for Mental Health: Reduce Stress and Boost Well-Being


Music has an incredible ability to influence emotions, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Whether you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or simply need a mood boost, the right music can provide emotional relief and relaxation. From calming melodies to energetic beats, music is a simple yet powerful tool to support mental health. Read more

Unique Christmas Collaboration: Marusia, a Sand Artist, and a Christian Songwriter

By: Donna Mandelkow 

In our post-Christian world, we can no longer presume a Chrisian understanding of Christmas – BUT we can see it as an opportunity to introduce people to Jesus, says musician and composer Jon  Seccombe. Read more

The Benefits of Music in Education

By: Helping Hands TV

“Everyone has music inside them as an inherent way of communicating and connecting,” says Bernie Heard from the Australian Youth Orchestra. Read more

Bluey Music Team Release Third Album ‘Rug Island’

By: Justin Rouillon

Award winning composer Joff Bush, and the Bluey music team have released their third album, Bluey: Rug Island, featuring 16 original tracks from the global hit animated series. Read more

Independent Aussie Artists in the Spotlight, in Peoples Choice Awards

By: Clare Bruce

Four independent Australian artists are among the finalists of this year’s Peoples Choice Awards, a music award event held online each year by CMAA to provide a platform for Christian music. Read more

Tarryn Stokes Had to “Learn to Be Seen” After Win

By: Laura Bennett

There’s a certain kind of bravery in auditioning for The Voice: sure, it could lead to your singing career taking off and a dream being realised, but you’ve also got to sing. Live on TV. Vulnerably. With everyone watching ready to critique your voice, your clothes and stage presence. Read more

The Heartfelt Inspiration Behind Tarryn Stokes’ New Single

By: Steff Willis

A relatable parenting moment has inspired a milestone song for an Australian singer-songwriter, with hopes that the track will resonate with anyone who is caring for someone vulnerable. Read more

Voting is Now Open for the 2024 People’s Choice Awards

by Kim Wilkinson

You have the power to decide who will be Australia’s favourite Christian Artists for 2024.

What does your favourite Christian music mean to you? Does it help you connect with God? Bring you peace? Or simply help you get through the day?

Now it’s your chance to vote for your favourite Christian artist.

Voting is open now – and will remain open until 5pm, Friday 16th August, 2024.

See who has been nominated and cast your vote for both your favourite Aussie and International artist.

The People’s Choice is a ’listener voted’ category in the Annual CMAA Excellence in Media Awards, celebrating the excellence, innovation and creativity of Christians in Media and Media Arts across Australia and New Zealand.

The People’s Choice Award is broken into two categories, Australian and International Christian Music Artists, with the top 5 artists being those who were the most played on radio in the past 12 months.*

The People’s Choice winners will be announced live from the Gold Coast at the Annual CMAA Excellence in Media Awards Tuesday evening, 24th September.

Cast your vote now!

*In the spirit of championing a wide number of artists, winners of this category from the previous year take a 12 month hiatus from being nominated

Article thanks to Christian Media and Arts Australia

‘Musica’ a Magical World of Music, Comedy, Love

By: Russ Matthews

Music has been an integral part of cinematic history.  Read more

A Famous Concert Violinist Busks in a Subway – Why Does Nobody Stop?

By: Sam Chan

In 2007, in a famous experiment, Grammy-winning violin player, Joshua Bell, played his violin in a Washington subway but nobody stopped to listen. Read more