Tag Archive for: michael mcqueen

Too Good to Waste: How the Circular Economy Is Reshaping Consumption

By: Michael McQueen

Within a society driven by capitalist aims – efficiency, accumulation, profits – the endless innovation of new products is a worthy practice. Keeping consumers keen for new products is key, and so the clever marketing, regular new releases and planned obsolescence begin. After all, why would a customer buy a new product if they are satisfied with what they have? Read more

The Perks of Paranoia: Why Fear Might Be Your Best Business Resource

By: Michael McQueen

Looking back over the last two years quickly reveals a narrative of fear. In all the frenzies of panic-buying, the conspiracy theories and the misinformation that fed our anxiety, we have consistently been driven to hysteria by a very primal sense of fear. Read more

3 Dilemmas in the New World of Work

By: Michael McQueen

Working from home raised a range of challenges, but as life continues getting back to normal post-Covid, it is the return to work that might pose the most difficulty. Clashes between the expectations of employees and employers are becoming more frequent, as are debates surrounding how work should function in the post-Covid world. Read more

Gen Z, Trust & Tiktok: Why Time Is Up for Corporate Spin

By: Michael McQueen

Neuroscientist and author of The Trust Factor, Paul Zak, has spent years studying what builds trust between individuals. His findings are remarkable and yet surprisingly simple. Read more

The 5 Energy Sources Bringing Power to the People

By: Michael McQueen

The problem of renewable energy is arguably the most pressing of our time. As governments scramble to keep up with the pressures of rising temperatures and public demand, the need for large-scale energy solutions continues to grow exponentially. Read more

Cashing In: What Blockchain Will Mean For Our Dollars and Cents

By: Michael McQueen

Blockchain has steadily grown in popularity over the last couple of years. Bitcoin’s value soared over 70% in 2020 and is projected to reach a price of US$66,000 by the end of this year. With low transaction fees, limited institutional involvement, and ease of use, blockchain presents an attractive opportunity for spenders across the world. But what will this new currency mean for the future of our notes and coins? Read more

What Is Your Business’s Silent Pulse? These 5 Questions Will Tell You…

By: Michael McQueen

Years ago, I visited an acupuncturist following the recommendation of a friend, interested to see how the experience would differ from the dozens of chiropractors and physiotherapists I had seen. Read more

Business Owner, Which of These 3 ‘R’s Is Preventing Your Progress?

By: Michael McQueen

Almost every business wants to be known for being innovative, but in a world saturated with systems and bureaucracy, not all businesses have the mindset that will get them there. Read more

How Augmented Reality Is Becoming an Everyday Reality for Today’s Students

By: Michael McQueen

The importance of technology in education is becoming increasingly undeniable in schools around the globe. Read more

How Healthy Is Our Data-Driven Health Obsession?

By: Michael McQueen

In the digital age, the adage stands: if you are not paying for the product, you are the product. In an era where business marketing, sales and influence are increasingly personalised and driven by insights into consumers, there is no product of more value than your personal data. Read more