Tag Archive for: michael mcqueen

Managers, Business People: Are You Asking the Right Questions?

By: Michael McQueen

Albert Einstein once suggested that if he had an hour to solve a problem and his life depended on it, he’d spend the first 55 minutes determining the best question to ask. ‘For once I know the proper question,’ he said, ‘I could solve the problem in less than 5 minutes.’[1] Read more

How’s Your Judgement? Here’s 3 Patterns You Might Recognise

By: Michael McQueen

We all consider ourselves to be fairly sound judges. When faced with problems or challenges, we tend to trust our judgements and rely on our estimations, believing that we are immune to the biases and mental manipulations that others experience.
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How Schools are Designing Classrooms for the Future

By: Michael McQueen

The 20th century model of learning has well and truly had its day. Time spent memorising, cramming, and silently listening to teachers lecturing is wasted in an age of accessible information and collaboration.  Read more

Business Advice: Is Your Last Impression As Good As Your First?

By: Michael McQueen

We all have our own story of dealing with friction. Hours spent on hold, inefficient systems and arbitrary rules all play a role in making many customer experiences unbearable. The only outcomes of systems such as these are higher costs, confusion and irritation. Read more

Why Your Business Can’t Afford to Keep Secrets

By: Michael McQueen

A few years ago, I was running a strategy workshop with the leadership team of a global medical device firm. As we explored the disruptions that were impacting their business most, one came up that I hadn’t previously considered. Read more

4 Ways We Will Wear Tomorrow’s Wearable Tech

By: Michael McQueen

As innovations continue to proliferate, technology is being increasingly integrated with the human body.  Read more

The Power of Choice: Why Autonomy Is the Most Effective Motivator

By: Michael McQueen

More than any other point in history, our era idolises the individual. Especially in the West, our ideals, advertising and algorithms place the individual at centre stage of their own lives. Laws, instructions and requests that once would have been seen as serving the greater good are now likely to be interpreted as fundamental threats to freedom and autonomy. Read more

Who’s Been Left Behind by COVID-Accelerated Automation?

By: Michael McQueen

While current trends like the Great Resignation are placing powers in the hands of employees, the technological advancement that the pandemic accelerated is highlighting the many industries that are increasingly vulnerable to disruption. Read more

The Tech Trends for 2022: What Is Coming?

By: Michael McQueen

With the last couple of years boasting an unrivalled pace of change, 2022 is approaching with promise of further transformations in the way we live, work and shop. With global crises exposing inefficiencies and issues of remote living raising demands for new solutions, technological innovations have been quickly adopted by businesses and are set to continue taking over our work and play. Read more

Why Trusted Brands Outlast Their Competition

By: Michael McQueen

Trust is a non-negotiable in today’s economy. For obvious reasons, businesses that are trusted are more lucrative and more loved than their competitors. Read more