Tag Archive for: michael mcqueen

Why Virtual Reality Might be Our Best Shot at Restoring Human Empathy

By: Michael McQueen

In a world of increasing polarisation, empathy stands out as a virtue that restores humanity to conversations and is persuasively powerful enough to change even the firmest of opinions. Read more

You Are What You Remember… but You’re Probably Remembering It Wrong

By: Michael McQueen

Are you remembering things correctly? What do you do when you know something you can’t quite recall? What if our memories have evolved over time? What if we are in fact imagining that we have a memory that in fact does not exist?
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5 Ways to Change a Mind… According to Reddit

By: Michael McQueen

What does it take to change a mind? This question has garnered much attention in recent years. Read more

Why Robots Loved the Pandemic

By: Michael McQueen

You’ve likely read the headlines regarding how many million jobs will be taken by robots, or what percentage of professions will disappear in the coming years. Read more

What the Reign of Blockchain Means for Real Money

By: Michael McQueen

Recent years have seen cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin and Etherium attract enormous attention and fascination. Read more

Why Culture Could Be Your Company’s Make or Break

By: Michael McQueen

In the office, it now seems the employer and employee simply want different things. The impasse between company and worker expectations around the future of the in-office work is a key factor driving what’s become known as ‘The Great Resignation.’ Read more

Hiring Gen Z? Here’s What You Need to Know

By: Michael McQueen

The last couple of years have seen the entry of the next generation into the workforce. Gen Zs are a unique group – fiercely ambitious, values-driven and highly attuned to the digital world. Read more

Why Sustainability is a ‘Package’ Deal in Business

By: Michael McQueen

The demand for sustainability has no less than revolutionised the way companies do business. In the last decade, the move towards sustainable products, waste solutions and emissions reductions has forced businesses to pursue purpose over profits, leading the way to a new and positive form of conscious capitalism. Read more

The Future of Flying Cars is Here

By: Michael McQueen

In years past, flying cars were the stuff of science fiction and fantasy. Developments of the last decade, however, are seeing the reality of this vision edge closer and closer. Read more

3 Key Powers of 3D Printing

By: Michael McQueen

With abilities that seem to have come straight from the future, 3D printing is gaining traction across all industries. While 3D printing has been a fringe technology for decades, the numbers give some indication of how quickly it is moving towards the mainstream. Read more