R U OK Day – Having the conversation and what to do if the answer is ‘no’.
Alex* was a popular kid. He seemed OK. He was good at sports, doing fine at school, and came from an affluent, strong family.
Alex* was a popular kid. He seemed OK. He was good at sports, doing fine at school, and came from an affluent, strong family.
By: yesHeis
According to the World Health Organisation, one in four of the world’s population will suffer from a mental health disorder at some stage of their life. Think about it! That’s a huge number of people.
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By: Clare Bruce
When an elderly person starts to become forgetful, it’s not necessarily dementia. Read more
By: Sheridan Voysey
Last year I took part in a piece for BBC 1’s Breakfast programme. As the cameraman and I were driving to the filming location, he told me a story. Read more
By: Danny Huerta
When life kicks you, it’s easy to become disoriented. Counselling is simply a way of pressing the “reset button.” Read more
Mindfulness has become one of the buzzwords of the past decade. Mindfulness is receiving hype by in corporations, educational institutions, psychologist’s offices, fitness centres, and increasingly in our family homes. In fact, mindfulness in families is becoming almost essential. And for good reason. Read more
By: Carolyn McCulley
Training our brains to battle anxiety through minor troubles develops emotional stamina to endure harder times. Read more
By: Duncan Robinson
Libby Trickett has been at the very pinnacle of sports, having represented her country at three Olympic games.
She has won multiple gold medals and is a five time world record holder. She is a married mum now, and at one of the most joyous times of life – she experienced significant depression. Read more
Mental health issues affect everyone. Whether or not you yourself are experiencing mental illness there is always someone around you who is.
The World Mental Health Day website says that 1 in 5 Aussies are affected by it. As a community it’s important that we look out for each other, start conversations and support one another. Read more
Author: Rachel Doherty | Tweens2Teen.
The first sign of a mental health issue in teenagers is often a drop in grades. Here’s what parents can do when it’s time to make a choice.