Tag Archive for: mental health

How “You Do You” Is Leading To Narcissism and a Mental Health Crisis

By: Akos Balogh

We’re the first generation in human history in which ‘You Do You’ is the default way of doing identity formation. ‘You Do You’: it’s all about finding your purpose and identity by looking within. Read more

“What’s for Dinner Tonight?” Overload – With a Side of Decision Fatigue!

By: City Bible Forum

3pm on a Thursday afternoon. I needed to write an article but I just couldn’t decide on what to write. The low blood sugar didn’t help. But the indecision was due to more than that. Read more

Confidence in Cooking Could Improve Your Mental Health

By: Amy Cheng

Healthy eating is often linked to better mental health but a new study has revealed that the act of cooking healthy meals can also benefit our mental health.
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Are Your Led by Your Feelings or Faith? 5 Subconscious Lies That Can Deceive Christians

By: Akos Balogh

Over 200 years ago, a revolution was launched across the West. Or rather, revolutions. Western societies began to move away from Christianity. 

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‘Self-Care is Vital in the Unrelenting News Cycle’

By: Laura Bennett

Whatever your diet of news consumption was before the pandemic, it’s likely in the last three years you’ve watched more updates, press conferences, and alerts about natural disasters and world events than in previous ones. Read more

‘Lismore Draws’ Art Initiative Brings Hope to Flood Affected Kids

By: Justin Rouillon

When Matt Knight visited his hometown of Lismore following the first round of flooding that the town received, he knew he wanted to make a long term difference to kids who’d lost everything in the record breaking floodwaters. Read more

‘Nope Speed’ – Moving So Fast That You Fall Apart… Sound Familiar?

By: Third Space, City Bible Forum

I love watching the Slow Mo Guys on YouTube. There is something so appealing about watching destruction at 28,500 frames per second. They spin an apple faster and faster until they find the apple’s ‘nope-speed’ of 6565 RPM and it disintegrates into fruit salad. Your eyes are glued to the screen as the apple spins towards inevitable destruction.
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The Importance of Touch in Raising Teens – Tips for Parents

By: Collett Smart

A shortage of healthy touch can have detrimental effects on our health and wellbeing, even leading to psychologically damaging effects.
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“A Good Night’s Sleep Starts as Soon as We Wake Up,” Says Sleep Researcher

By: Amy Cheng

The amount of light we’re exposed to during the day can impact our quality of sleep, an academic researching circadian systems has said.
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9 Ideas for Screen Time Balance

By: Collett Smart

Nature is known to provide cognitive benefits and enhance our overall physical and mental wellbeing. Yet, for some tweens, spending too much time on technology, sees them not getting enough exercise or spending enough time outdoors. So how do we help our young people create a healthy screen time balance?  Read more