Tag Archive for: god conversations

How Christians got to be the Most Judgmental People in Society (and What to Do About It)

By: Jenny Snook

I read a survey recently about how Christians are known to be the most judgmental people in society.1 What a tragic report card. How can a religion based on grace be known for judging others? Read more

God “Told” Him to Quit his Job and He went Bankrupt: Why You Need the Church to Hear God’s voice

By: Tania Harris | God Conversations

You don’t need to be in church to hear God’s voice. The beauty of the new Covenant is that the Spirit of God can speak to us wherever we go!

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If God Said it, Will it Always Happen?

By: Tania Harris

If you’ve ever heard God speak about your future, you’ve likely asked the question: If God said it, will it happen? The question inevitably comes when our circumstances reverse or nothing seems to be happening. Then the doubts begin to surface. Read more

Having Faith in God Does Not Mean Leaving Your Brains at the Door

By: Tania Harris

Christians can have a reputation for being simple-minded. People could be forgiven for accusing those of us who believe in a virgin birth and a resurrection for being ignorant about what really goes on in the world. Read more

Where Do My Dreams Come From?

By: Tania Harris

Everybody dreams. Scientists tell us that we all dream for one to two hours a night.1 Dreams are a normal and healthy part of being human. But where do they come from? Read more

The God-Dream that Saved a Drought Stricken Farm

By: Tania Harris

Jarrod was an Australian farmer facing the worst drought of his life. For months he had done everything to steward his resources and use best practises to manage the farm that is home to his wife and their six children. Read more

Should a Woman Ask a Man Out?

By: Tania Harris

Should a woman ask a man out on a date? I asked this question once to a class full of young and hip ministry students. The overwhelming majority objected without a hiccup. “No. Never!” one guy declared with rock-solid conviction. “That’s such a turnoff!” said another crossing his arms. Read more

God’s Voice Brings Grace in the Midst of Domestic Violence [Testimony]

By: Tania Harris

God’s words have the power to transform lives. Jesus said they are “spirit and they are life” (John 6:63) and that we can’t live without them (Matthew 4:4). Here’s a testimony from our online community that shows how God’s words bring grace and hope to the darkest of circumstances: Read more

Why Women Need to Learn in Quietness and Submission

By: Tania Harris | God Conversations

Not every Christian believes that I should be leading a ministry or that I should even be an ordained pastor. The church I grew up in believed that church leadership should always be male. The reason I am in ministry today was due to a number of God Conversations that called me to revisit on the interpretation of Scripture I’d grown up with. Read more

What Is God Saying in the Midst of My Pain?

By: Tania Harris

What is God saying to us in the midst of our pain? In this episode of the God Conversations podcast, we’re talking about the questions we ask when life goes wrong. Read more