Tag Archive for: future

Understanding Generation Alpha

By: Mark McCrindle

There is a growing generation that few people have heard of. Within 4 years they will outnumber the Baby Boomers, and many of them will live to see the 22nd Century. Read more

Why Some Ideas are Insane Before They Are Innovative

By: Michael McQueen

At some point in history, the ideas and assumptions we take for granted were controversial. Read more

The Metaverse Has Arrived – Here are 4 Places It Will Take Us

By: Michael McQueen

We are already seeing the metaverse transform things. All the way from work to play, this immersive and interactive version of the internet is engaging users across every field of life. Read more

Why Virtual Reality Might be Our Best Shot at Restoring Human Empathy

By: Michael McQueen

In a world of increasing polarisation, empathy stands out as a virtue that restores humanity to conversations and is persuasively powerful enough to change even the firmest of opinions. Read more

Artificial Intelligence, Man & God – A Chat with Professor John Lennox

By: Kristian Johnson

John Anderson was joined on his podcast recently by mathematician, bioethicist and Christian apologist Professor John Lennox for a profound conversation centred on the current and future impacts of artificial intelligence technology, including the ethical implications of this technology. Read more

Changes to the World of Work Awaiting Today’s School Leavers

By: McCrindle

The Industrial Revolution in Europe and Britain in the late 1700’s to early 1800’s saw the transition to systematised, mechanised manufacturing production which significantly revolutionised the way of working. Read more

Why Robots Loved the Pandemic

By: Michael McQueen

You’ve likely read the headlines regarding how many million jobs will be taken by robots, or what percentage of professions will disappear in the coming years. Read more

What the Reign of Blockchain Means for Real Money

By: Michael McQueen

Recent years have seen cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin and Etherium attract enormous attention and fascination. Read more

The Future of Shopping in a Post-Lockdown World

By: McCrindle

Like many things from COVID-19 and the consequential lockdowns and restrictions, shopping centres and how people shop has changed. Read more

Mission, Ministry and Maliciousness in the Metaverse

By: Stephen McAlpine

So there you are minding your own business in the Metaverse, when someone comes alongside you and abuses you for spending too much money on that virtual pair of Nikes you purchased with your Christmas money. It gets so heated that you don’t know where to turn.
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