Tag Archive for: finances

The #1 Money Regret Most Australians Have About Their Finances

By: McCrindle

The topic of financial health is one that many Australians put off for another day. So much so that the number one financial regret of Australians is not prioritising their financial health earlier in life. Read more

Why Choose a Christian Financial Adviser?

By: Alex Cook

Choosing a financial adviser is a big decision. As you search for the best professional for your situation, make sure you also add faith background to the list of considerations. Read more

Is It Time to Refinance?

By: Alex Cook

With interest rates in Australia at record lows, it might be time to refinance your home loan.

Refinancing is simply the process of paying out your existing loan with a new loan with a different lender (or even the same lender). The ultimate goal is to get a better deal. Read more

Creating Your Business Name and Slogan

By: Alex Cook

Your business name is an important part of building your brand. You want your company name to be the first thing people think of. In Australia, when people order a “Rum” drink with a soft drink, they don’t ask for a ‘Rum and Cola’, they ask for a ‘Rum & Coke’ – now that is market power. Read more

CAP Supports Petition Opposing Plan to Axe Safe Spending Laws

By: Kim Wilkinson

Debt relief charity Christians Against Poverty Australia urges senators to block proposed termination of safe lending laws. Read more

Learning From the Ant: A Money Lesson

By: Alex Cook

Have you heard of Aesop’s fable about the grasshopper and the ant? The grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s content one summer day when an ant passed by. Read more

7 Ways to Multiply Your Business

By: Alex Cook

If you’re in business, you want it to do well right? I love to see businesses grow, but better still I prefer to see them multiply! Read more

15 Tips to Improve Your Cash Flow Immediately

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash.

By: Alex Cook

Handy Hints to improve Cash Flow

There are many ways you can improve your cash flow. For this to work it needs to be as ‘automated’ and ‘systemised’ as possible. Furthermore key people in the organisation must ‘own’ their role in improving cash flow. It needs to be a clear responsibility of the relevant people within your business. Read more

What a Good Budget Looks Like

By: Alex Cook

28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? Read more

Should You Borrow to Buy a Car?

By: Alex Cook

For most people, a car is considered the second biggest expense after housing. This four-wheeled product of human ingenuity has become a sure-fire status symbol and a consistent part of every working adult’s wish list. Read more