Gifts For Greater Good
By: David Maegraith
From her younger years, Emmy Cooper had a love for helping people in need and raising funds and awareness for different projects.
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By: David Maegraith
From her younger years, Emmy Cooper had a love for helping people in need and raising funds and awareness for different projects.
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By: Leigh Ockey
Four flights. A trolley load each of oversize baggage at every airport. Stopped by security at every checkpoint because there’s 7 kilos of batteries in each of our bags.
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By: Sharon Fitness
Each year ACCTV likes to dedicate one week to the remarkable efforts of Compassion and other like-minded organisations doing impressive work amongst the poor and marginalised throughout the world, particularly children.
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By: Rodney Olsen
The rain is coming. Storms too. It might get pretty wild over the next week but I’ll just stay inside.
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By: Jennie Scott
There’s a point in every conversation where the other person breaks eye contact, glancing away to look at, well, who knows what. Maybe it’s another person, maybe a painting on the wall, or maybe it’s just to see anything other than my face. Read more
It’s a regular dilemma for us: should we forgive or should we judge? But the Bible incredibly tells us that mercy always trumps judgment: Read more
If you’re a youth worker, expect to face compassion fatigue sometime. Keep it at bay with good self-care habits, including supervision.
Author: Rodney Olsen.
When he was just eight years of age his father was murdered in front of his mother. That moment forced Richmond, his mother and his five siblings out of their home and into one of the world’s largest slums. Life had changed in an instant. Read more