Tag Archive for: articles

Are You Prepared for Jesus’ Return?

By: Andrew Laird

In my job I meet up with a lot of people, and so whenever I go to a meeting I always go prepared…with a book. Read more

Bec’s Delicious Banana Bread

By: Bec Spencer 

This is my go-to banana loaf when I have spare over-ripe bananas or just because (why do we need an excuse to make banana bread?!) Read more

The Impossible Question: ‘What’s Your Favourite Movie?’

By: Russ Matthews

I have a fear of sharing my favourite ‘anything’. Read more

Stand Together Day Awards: Who Will You Vote For?

By: Susan Holt

Inspired by the work of Mission Australia with Australia’s homeless community, the 2024 Stand Together Day Awards give you the opportunity to nominate someone who stood alongside you during a difficult moment in your life and honour their role in your story.

Every day, Mission Australia is working towards a goal of ending homelessness in Australia, delivering homelessness crisis and prevention services, collaborating with people in need to tackle the root causes of their challenges.

Mission Australia have been committed to standing together with Australians experiencing homelessness since 1859.  In 2023, over 149,000 people were served through their tireless efforts.

As such, Mission Australia know how important it is to have someone stand alongside those who are struggling in life and, along with Christian Media and Arts Australia, have created the Stand Together Day Awards.

The Stand Together Day Awards exists to honour the people in your world who have stood with you, providing support through a challenging time that you have faced.  All of us at some point face difficult times and all too often these times come unexpectedly.  

We want to hear the stories of those who, like Mission Australia, have provided practical support and stood with you as you faced your most challenging times.  Our hope is that through hearing these inspirational stories, we’ll see more and more people recognise their capacity to make a difference for those around them.

To make your nomination for the Stand Together Day Awards, fill in the nomination form here and tell us about you and the person you are nominating.  Together, you could be heading to the Gold Coast, expenses paid, to receive the Stand Together Day Award at a special event, hosted by Christian Media and Arts Australia.

To find out more about Mission Australia and pray for their work, click here.

Dating Apps: Drastic Rule Changes Coming

By: Mike Crooks

Online dating apps just became safer, according to the federal government. Read more

Promise, Challenge and Task: 3 Helpful Reminders From Joshua

By: Brian Harris

I’m due to preach on Joshua as a one off message in a series exploring interesting Bible characters. Read more

The Thief of Joy. Is it You?

By: Lorrene McClymont

Recently my husband and I purchased a new King Sized bed. We also updated all our bed linen to give me the bed that I had been dreaming of. Read more

Moon Theories Lampooned in Heartwarming Comedy ‘Fly Me To The Moon’

By: Russ Matthews

Neil Armstrong’s footprint on the moon left an imprint on humanity that has remained over the past 50 years since he first stepped out from Apollo 11 into the Sea of Tranquility. Read more


By: Andrew Laird

Have you heard the new term being used to describe those who turn up to the workplace rather than always work from home? Read more

‘Twisters’ a Cinematic Return to Tornado Alley

By: Russ Matthews 

Tornadoes are no laughing matter for those of us who grew up in the Tornado Alley of the United States. Read more