Tag Archive for: articles

ssm survey

Rules of Engagement for the SSM Survey

By: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House

The Parliament has enacted special legislation to govern campaigns for the Same Sex Marriage Postal Survey.

In keeping with the survey itself the rules for the campaign are also contentious. Read more

Shape of your Soul

5 Tips: Developing the Shape of your Soul

By: Kaye Hollings

What is the shape of your soul? You’ve probably never thought about it.

Of course, you’ve heard about how important it is to keep physically in shape, get enough sleep, interact with others, and stimulate your brain by learning new things. They’re all vital to good health.

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iphone x

iPhone X: The New Temptation

By: Rodney Olsen.

Did you wake up today feeling like you’re missing out on something? Are you tempted to book your place in the queue for the revolutionary iPhone X? Read more


DadsUNI: Helping Dads become Great Dads

Dads, help is finally here. DadsUNI is a free website dedicated to training and equipping dads.
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Millennial Consumers: Why Coke Has So Many Variants

By: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House.

Soft drink behemoth Coke-a-Cola got a huge shock when Woolworths declared they would not stock yet another variation of the iconic beverage.

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How to Keep the Romance Alive

Real Romance Tips for your Relationship

We see a lot of TV programs and movies these days that show the start of romantic relationships. But not many of those are about keeping the romance alive once it has begun. Read more

mental health

When Grades Come at the Cost of Mental Health

Author: Rachel Doherty | Tweens2Teen.

The first sign of a mental health issue in teenagers is often a drop in grades. Here’s what parents can do when it’s time to make a choice.

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Optical Illusions: Why They Work

Author: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House.

Can you trust what you see? Sometimes our eyes play tricks on us — or at least that’s what it seems.

What is actually happening when we are caught out by optical illusions gives a real insight (sorry) into how our brain works.

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same sex attraction

My Christian Marriage is More Important Than My Same Sex Attraction

Author: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House

Colin has same sex attraction. He describes it as something he has, rather than who he is. It doesn’t define him.

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