Eb, Flow and the Pursuit of Balance
By: Duncan Robinson
There is no such thing as balance.
It doesn’t exist. To achieve balance it would mean that you have control over external forces in your life that you have no control over. Read more
By: Duncan Robinson
There is no such thing as balance.
It doesn’t exist. To achieve balance it would mean that you have control over external forces in your life that you have no control over. Read more
By: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House
Eternity. It’s a word that has captivated the people of Sydney and beyond since it mysteriously started appearing in yellow chalk on Sydney’s footpaths in the 1930s. Read more
By: Kim Wilkinson
Christmas is a time of year to celebrate, and be grateful. It’s a time to think upon the year that has been, and the one that is yet to come.
More often than not, we end up filling our days in crowded car parks and shopping centres, working long hours on end of year projects, and overbooking our social calendars in an attempt to find some enjoyment amongst the chaos. Read more
By: Michael McQueen
It appears we have never had so many experts roaming the planet than in our modern age.
As I trawl through the LinkedIn profiles of my contacts, everyone it seems is a ‘specialist’, ‘sought-after authority’ or ‘expert’ at something – some even manage to specialise in pretty much everything! Read more
By: Elaine Fraser.
In the noise, we hear voices of not good enough and you’ll never do it. Read more
A growing problem in society today is domestic violence.
This two part podcast offers insights and experience on what to do if you – or someone you know – is experiencing domestic violence, and how to break the cycle. Read more
By: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House
The result of the marriage survey, with its consequent change to the law, has opened up the question of religious freedom in Australia. Read more
By: Laura Bennett
I’d never heard of this ‘Way of St James’ when Mum asked me to walk its final 100k’s (an undersell if ever there was one), but by the end of our 7 days I knew it personally. Read more
By: Laura Bennett
Fundamental to our relationship with God, is prayer: a shared conversation between He and us, where we tell Him our desires (read: vent) and He listens, responding with comfort, revelation, and sometimes it seems – silence.
Prayer is a connection to the divine, and a universal way to request help, or offer thanks to ‘the Big Guy’. Read more
By: Susan Joy | The JOYful Table
Serves: 16 squares | Prep Time: 00:20 | Cooking Time: 00:00
Mint and chocolate just go together. These yummy chocolate squares are perfect for summer, no baking and delicious eaten cold straight from the fridge. Read more