Tag Archive for: articles


They Slipped Away In The Night – Tragedy at Sea for Kiribati Students

By: Stephen O’Doherty | Open House

A Kiribati man living in Australia has provided one of the first accounts of a ferry tragedy in Kiribati which is believed to have taken up to 80 lives including students on their way to start the school year. Read more

over-scheduling kids

Are We Over-scheduling Our Kids?

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Dear Dr Justin

My kids are in a lot of after-school activities. They swim and play a musical instrument each. Two of them do drama, and all three are in Saturday sport. My husband and I are arguing about how much is too much. It’s impacting on our time together as a family, and our budget. But the kids are tired and don’t seem to love much of what they’re doing even though they’ve chosen it. I want them to do less. My husband wants them to keep going and also wants to add maths tutoring. Is there any research to tell us what is right and wrong? When I was a kid, I played netball. That was it. I’d love some advice. My kids are 5, 7, and 10.

Exhausted. Read more

molly's game

Molly’s Game – Movie Review

By: Laura Bennett

Can you run an illegal gambling ring with integrity?

Reading the synopsis for Molly’s Game, you’d be understandably misled into thinking it’s a dark salacious tale about poker and the ‘glossy’ yet flawed world of high-stakes gamblers. That’s there, but it’s not the main point. Read more


Three Nutritious 5 Minute Breakfasts

By: Supriya Sajja

We all know “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But sometimes when you’re choosing between the extra 20 minutes of sleep or eating breakfast, it’s a no brainer that you’ll hit snooze one more time. Read more


Dare to Receive

By: Elaine Fraser

Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart. Brené Brown Read more


5 Ways Bureaucracy Will Kill Your Business

By: Michael McQueen

When German political economist Max Weber first devised the bureaucratic theory of management in the late 19th century, his intention was to combat the nepotism and unproductiveness rife in the family-run businesses of the day. Read more

Doing Better than you think

You're Doing so Much Better than You Think You Are

By: Jennie Scott

If one of the spiritual gifts is having a pity party, then the Holy Spirit blessed me immensely.

But for real. Read more

parenting advice

“The Most Valuable Advice I Received as a New Parent” – 70 Tips

By: Ally Barnes

My hubby and I are expecting our first baby, and to help get us prepared, I’ve been asking friends for their best advice. Read more

mason jar

Why Is My Drink in a Mason Jar?

By: Sam Chan | Espresso Theology

If you order a drink from any cafe, your drink will probably come in a Mason Jar.

The Mason Jar was invented in 1858 by John Landis Mason. It was mass produced in the 1900s by the Ball Corporation, with its iconic name in cursive, and the words “Made in U.S.A.” Once used for canning and preserving foods, it is now de rigueur for the global hipster aesthetic.

Whether you’re in Vancouver, New Jersey, or Lima (as I was last week!) your drink will come in a Mason Jar. Read more


Stop Using Facebook as a Weapon

By: Rodney Olsen

Do you remember the three essential rules of keeping a mogwai from the eighties movie Gremlins? Read more