Tag Archive for: articles

leader sacrifice

The Leader is the Chief Sacrificer

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

My mother was the chief sacrifice in our family. She was a little lady, seemingly unimportant to others. There was nothing outstanding about her at first glance. Most people wouldn’t have looked twice at her. But she gave everything for her husband and her two boys. And by everything, I mean everything. Read more

wild heart

Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.

By: Elaine Fraser

True belonging doesn’t require us to change who we are. It requires us to be who we are. – Brené Brown. Read more

easter marshmallows

Chocolate Coated Easter Marshmallows

By: Susan Joy

I’m thinking you want healthy treat options for your family this Easter. There’s no need to miss out on Easter traditions when healthy marshmallow bunnies and chickens can be made with additive free ingredients and coated in homemade or dairy-free organic chocolate. This recipe is vanilla flavoured, see my Pink Marshmallow recipe to make both colours. Read more


Communicating to Teens That Sex Is a Sacred Affair

By: Michael Ross

“I’m a Christian, but I don’t understand why the church creates so many rules for sex,” 17-year-old Alex says. “Where in the Bible does it say it’s off-limits for singles? And what if I don’t ever want to get married? Does this mean I’ll have to remain celibate?” Read more

Nut-Free Hot Cross Buns

By: Susan Joy

A delicious nut-free version of Hot Cross Buns. These traditional Easter Buns have a more bread-like texture than regular gluten-free muffin style Hot Cross Buns. Spiced with cinnamon and allspice and glazed to add a beautiful shine to their tops. Perfect for school lunch boxes. Read more

J.Michael Finley

What You Didn’t Know About ‘I Can Only Imagine’s’ Lead Actor, J.Michael Finley

By: Laura Bennett

With pop music at our disposal 24/7, it’s easy forget that behind every great song is a great story. Inspired by the death of his father, Mercy Me lead singer Bart Millard wrote ‘I Can Only Imagine’ to process what he’d seen happen to his Dad, and what it would be like to stand in heaven before God. Read more

Down syndrome music video

The Viral Video Making Kids with Down Syndrome Famous (and Their Mums!)

By: Clare Bruce

It brought celebrity TV host James Corden to tears, and made singer Christina Perri tweet that her ‘heart is full’. The viral video that has people damp-eyed around the world is a ‘carpool karaoke’ style lip sync video, created for World Down Syndrome Day (March 21). Read more


Why Mending What's Broken Always Means Moving

By: Jennie Scott

Only hours before, I lay immobile on the operating table. Numb from the chest down, I could only watch as nurses draped the sterile field of my abdomen with blue cloth. They counted gauze strips and scalpels, forceps and scissors. They prepared my body for the birth of my child, a birth in which I would be a passive observer. Read more


How to Teach Your Child to Think About Others

By: Dr Justin Coulson | Happy Families

When it comes to discipline, there are two schools of thought.

Some parents think discipline is about punishment. They believe the best way to teach children to learn the lessons of life is to hurt them. They use time-out, they withdraw privileges, they ground their kids, and in many cases they even hit them. Read more