Tag Archive for: articles

self esteem child

7 Things to Say to Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem

By: Dr Justin Coulson

Self-esteem means liking who you are, and feeling like you’re “ok”. Having high levels of self-esteem is correlated with better outcomes in life – especially for our children. Kids with high self-esteem are more satisfied with life, have better relationships, do better in school, and are physically and mentally healthier. But this doesn’t mean that self-esteem causes these things. In fact, it could be the other way around: these things might cause self-esteem! Read more

zucchini breakfast muffins

Zucchini Breakfast Muffins

By: Susan Joy

These no-fuss breakfast muffins have a lovely light texture. The fussiest eater will love these but if you would like to bump-up the flavour for spice lovers just add your favourite herbs and spices (paprika works well in this recipe). Make extra to keep in the fridge for snacks or school lunch boxes. Read more

How to Avoid Stinking Thinking

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Some days I wake up and I know it’s going to be a good day. Other days I wake up and I know that I’m not in the best frame of mind. I’m not necessarily talking about medical conditions like depression and anxiety. I’m talking about the “stinking thinking” that we all struggle with. They are the negative thought patterns that pull you down, and that pull those around you down as well. Read more

a quiet place

Silent, Scary, Deep: ‘A Quiet Place’ Movie Review

By: Laura Bennett

When the new movie ‘A Quiet Place’ first came across my radar, it was billed as a horror – but “one I should definitely see because John Krasinski (The Office) directed it.” Read more

troubled kids

Finding Hope in the Midst of Raising Troubled Kids

By: Focus On The Family

Tom and Dena Yohe were caring, loving parents to their strong-willed daughter, Renee. It wasn’t until she was in her late teens that they discovered the deep hurts that troubled her inside.  Read more


Take a Moment Monday: Find Your Why

By: Elaine Fraser

You know how every once in a while you do something and the little voice inside says, ‘There. That’s it. That’s why you’re here.’ … and you get a warm glow in your heart because you know it’s true?

Do more of that.

Jacob Nordby Read more

Australia’s Foreign Aid at its Lowest Ever: “This is About the Soul of Our Nation”

By: Anne Rinaudo

The United Nations recently declared that the world currently faces humanitarian crisis at a scale not seen since the end of World War II. More than 20 million people are facing starvation and famine, most notably Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen. Read more


Get Out of God’s Way

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

One of the characters that I love in the New Testament is the Apostle Peter, probably because I’m so much like him in so many ways. But I think there’s enough of Peter in all of us to be able to recognize ourselves in him. Read more


Overcoming the 4 Forces that Destroy Relationships

By: Sheridan Voysey

According to the experts, strong relationships are one of the four factors that build human resilience. We withstand the traumas of life better when we have good marriages, friendships, work relationships and community connections. The problem is, while we need relationship to be strong, powerful forces drive us apart. Read more