Tag Archive for: articles


An Interview with 10 Virgins

By: Sabrina Peters

“No one stays a virgin until they get married!” That is what most people think. Holding onto the big V is kind of ridiculous in our sexually saturated culture. Well I take time out with 10 “Virgins” and ask them WHY they decided to guard the carnal treasure. Their answers will shock you. Read more


The Danger in Saying "God Is Good"

By: Jennie Scott

I need to share this message with you without being critical, accusatory, or dismissive. I’ve wrestled with it myself for some time now, and I pray it’s marinated enough in my soul to move into yours with grace. Read more


Wise Investments

By: Duncan Robinson

I buy a lottery ticket once a year. It isn’t a sound investment; it isn’t a wise move. Every mathematical equation tells me it is a bone-headed decision and a waste of $2. Yet once a year, I’ll head to the local newsagent and buy a lottery ticket. A miniscule investment with the hopes of a monumental return. Read more


Egg Substitutes

By: Susan Joy

There are many people with egg allergies that could benefit from finding good healthy substitutes for eggs. It can be a challenge to find an egg replacement that isn’t a powdered processed product that comes in a package or plastic container. Read more

When Humans are Cloned One Day, How Should Christians Respond?

By: Clare Bruce

Imagine a world where humans are cloned, and babies are tailor-made to fulfil specific roles in society. Read more

hillsong worship interview

Why God’s Music is Turning Heads: An Album-Launch Chat with Hillsong Worship

By: Laura Bennett

In a time when the entertainment industry is one of society’s biggest influencers, it’s no small thing that the name of Jesus is being recognised, and even celebrated. Read more

child play

How to Play with your Kids – and Enjoy It

By: Dr Justin Coulson

You may have noticed a really big difference between children and grown-ups. No I’m not talking about the physical size difference, or the more obvious maturity that most adults have compared to their kids. I’m talking about our approach to life. Read more


Did Jesus Really Exist?

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

I once read a book that argued that the earth was hollow and that it was populated inside by a super-race of aliens. It even had photos that proved it. It was interesting, but I didn’t believe it. Why? Because all the evidence says that the earth’s core is solid! Read more


5 Megatrends That Will Dominate the next Decade

By: Michael McQueen

Any experienced surfer knows how important it is to keep one eye fixed on the horizon. While a wave is still forming a long way off, that is the time to start paddling, to get into position and get ready. Leave it too long or fail to move at all, and you’ll be wiped out as the wave crashes you. Read more