Tag Archive for: articles
“Poms” a Warm-Hearted Comedy [Movie Review]
By: Laura Bennett
Culturally, we seem to be pretty set on the idea that ageing and restriction go hand in hand. But, if living in a retirement community is anything like it’s portrayed in Poms, you’ll want to rid yourself of your younger years real quick.
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Stepping In With Other People’s Kids
Dear Dr Justin,
My 15-year-old son was hanging out in his bedroom with one of his friends. When I walked by, I saw my son’s friend frantically trying to stash a packet of cigarettes into his bag! I was horrified, but since he isn’t my child, I wasn’t sure how or if I should intervene (I did talk to my son later). What should I have done?
Are There Practical Ways To Share Jesus Online?
By: Reuben Skewes
With the world population at 7.5 billion people, and those that identify as Christian at 2.4 billion, there is still much to be done. Thankfully, the opportunities to share Jesus are endless! Especially online! Read more
‘Loud Krazy Love’ – Korn Guitarist Brian ‘Head’ Welch Reveals How God Restored His Shattered Soul
By: Laura Bennett
Very few artists reach the ‘giddy heights’ of commercial success that Korn did, but with that success came the worst of fame’s pitfalls.
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Scott Morrison Won the Election by ‘Being Himself’
By: Clare Bruce
It was the ‘real’ Scott Morrison people saw on the campaign trail, with a capacity for compassion and change, which won him the votes to secure the Coalition’s surprise victory, says former Liberal politician – Stephen O’Doherty. Read more
Do You Need an Instagram Reality Check?
By: Susan Sohn
Instagram has become the home for visual storytelling for everyone from celebrities, newsrooms and brands, to teens, musicians and anyone with a creative passion. Read more
A Message to Mums of Premmie Babies, and Grieving Parents
By: Clare Bruce
When everything your family is going well, it can be easy in holidays and family celebrations, to forget that others are doing it tough.
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4 Urgent Conversations Australians Need To Have After Folau
By: Akos Balogh
The Israel Folau saga has uncovered an urgent need for Australians to have conversations about the sort of society we want to live in.
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