Finishing Strong [Podcast]
Stuart and Jill Briscoe are in their eighties, but that doesn’t keep them from pressing on and being productive. Read more
Stuart and Jill Briscoe are in their eighties, but that doesn’t keep them from pressing on and being productive. Read more
How much impact can faith and friendship have on a marriage?
Just thirty days of kindness… you have no idea the difference it can make in a strained relationship.
Focus on the Family spoke with Shaunti Feldhahn on the simple power of being kind. Read more
By: Ted Cunningham | Focus On The Family
We all deal with difficult relationships. When a relationship is strained we need to find the words that bring healing, not strife and more destruction. Read more
We see a lot of TV programs and movies these days that show the start of romantic relationships. But not many of those are about keeping the romance alive once it has begun. Read more
Most little girls grow up dreaming of being a mum, but probably none dream of becoming a stepmum.
Right now, small is big. Minimalism is popular everywhere: tiny houses, 30-item wardrobes, basic food diets and simpler lifestyles. Read more
Tim Sisarich from New Zealand was asked by “Focus on the Family” to travel the world, making a documentary on the state of the modern family. However, he didn’t count on it raising issues in his own life. Particularly in the area of forgiveness. Read more
Laura Story is probably best known for her contributions in contemporary Christian music. However behind her songs is a story of pain, struggle, and God’s redemptive touch . Read more