The Antidote to Offence
By: Matt Bogaards
You know the feeling; the shiver that runs down your spine and morphs into a jarring shockwave that is sent into every fibre of your being. You’re triggered.
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By: Matt Bogaards
You know the feeling; the shiver that runs down your spine and morphs into a jarring shockwave that is sent into every fibre of your being. You’re triggered.
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By: Laura Bennett
In 1997 a 21 year-old Joshua Harris wrote, ‘I Kissed Dating Goodbye’, the Christian youths’ so-called guidebook to saving sex for marriage, and approaching romantic relationships with fresh intentionality. Read more
By: Sabrina Peters
Most couples spend so much time planning for their wedding day, but very little time planning for their marriage. I know, because several years ago that young bride to be was me. Read more
By: Clare Bruce
Bullying, rejection, conflict, dating jitters – they’re stressful situations for young people at the best of times. So imagine how much tougher these social scenarios must be for a young person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Read more
By: Sabrina Peters
When I was a teenager I kissed a lot of guys. My high school years were riddled with multiple short-lived romances. In grade 10 I entered a relationship with a guy that lasted almost 3 years. I genuinely thought I was in love. Read more
By: Glenn Lutjens
You remember the sleepless nights and the lightheadedness you experienced after seeing her big, beautiful smile light up a room. You recall when just the thought of him holding your hand caused shortness of breath and a queasy stomach. Read more
By: Clare Bruce
If you were a teenager growing up in church circles in the late 90s – early 2000s, you probably heard of, or were influenced by, Joshua Harris. Read more
By: Sabrina Peters
If you’ve been around Church for more than 2 minutes you’ve probably heard someone, “Guard your heart”. Well it’s good advice! Actually, it’s great advice! The bible tells us in Proverbs that from our heart everything else flows. So it makes sense to protect it. Read more
Vicky sat at the kitchen table, stunned and hurt. Her four-year-old marriage to Alex, on which she had pinned so many hopes and dreams, seemed false. She had just heard from a friend that Alex had been seen lunching with an old girlfriend. Read more
By: Jill Savage
Standing in the kitchen, I heard the text notification on my phone. When I read the message from my friend, my heart dropped. We had both walked through hard seasons in our marriages. Mine survived — it appeared from the message that hers would not. Tears formed, and I just wanted to cry. Read more