Marriage: 26 Years and One Day Later
By: Stephen McAlpine
Today I am fifty two years and two days old.
Today it is twenty six years and one day since Jill and I went on our first date. That was one day after my twenty six birthday.
By: Stephen McAlpine
Today I am fifty two years and two days old.
Today it is twenty six years and one day since Jill and I went on our first date. That was one day after my twenty six birthday.
By: Jenny Baxter
Rarely do we, as children, consider the protective, all-encompassing love our parents have for us. But one day I saw it happen as my cousin’s sudden death began some unusual activity at our house.
We recently had Father’s Day, and it’s a pretty fun day, according to all the TV ads, with BBQs, toolboxes and camping gear as gifts, and maybe a day out-of-doors in the perfect Spring weather.
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By: Justin Rouillon
What is a rite of passage? Does it have any relevance in our society today?
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By: yesHeis
According to the World Health Organisation, one in four of the world’s population will suffer from a mental health disorder at some stage of their life. Think about it! That’s a huge number of people.
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By: Laura Bennett
Talking to someone about their relationship with their father isn’t an easy conversation, and not one you have too often. It can be really personal, and bring up tough memories, particularly if it’s a challenging one.
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By: Jan Murray
While mothers-in-law often get a bad wrap in our culture, really all they want is the best for their kids. Mostly, they have their hearts in the right place. It’s not impossible! You can be a mother-in-law legend.
by: Harriet Connor
As a mum, I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of seeing other mothers as competitors. When we meet another mum, we immediately start making comparisons; we want to know how we “rank” against her in different areas: our parenting, our appearance, our children, our cooking, our job etc.
By: Neri Morris
Anything that distracts us from God, causing us to doubt and seek comfort elsewhere is sinful. So if loneliness comes from a place where you have taken your eyes off God, does that make it a sin?
By: Laura Bennett
Borne out of Bethel Church in Redding, California, the music of Jesus Culture is known around the world for its lyrical power and heartfelt expression.
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