Chopped Mixed Salad with Almonds

By: Susan Joy

This is a quick and simple salad that the whole family will love. Just substitute any of the salad vegetables with your family’s favourites. I’ve made the dressing with almond butter for a creamy consistency and added chopped almonds to the salad for some crunch. Chopping the salad makes it easy to serve and a great choice to take to a BBQ or on a picnic. For a nut-free version, use sunflower butter or tahini in the dressing and add seeds to the salad instead of almonds. Read more

My Kind of Doctor: “It’s Only Too Much Coffee When It Hurts Your Wallet”

By: Anne Rinaudo

Professor Merlin Thomas is a physician and a scientist in the Department of Medicine at Monash University. His work links the complex disciplines of biochemistry and biology to the real needs of real people; like our real need for real coffee (or tea). Read more

Burnout Begins With Weariness. Here’s How to Stop it Going Further

By: Sheridan Voysey

Robert Coles, the eminent American psychiatrist, once wrote a book called The Call of Service. Collating his work over three decades with charity workers, civil rights campaigners and community volunteers, Coles explored the reasons why people serve others and what satisfactions they get from doing so. Read more

Sweet Potato & Banana Mini Muffins

By: Susan Joy

A perfect snack for toddlers, they have no added sweeteners and get their flavour from fruit and vegetables. A quick and easy recipe, just pop all the ingredients into a blender and whiz, just what busy mums need. They have a moist, fudgy texture and by adding dark chocolate chips or blueberries, the older kids will love them in their school lunchboxes. Read more

9 Ridiculously Practical Ways to Cultivate a Life of Wisdom

By: J.R. Briggs

The pursuit of wisdom is a valuable, worthy endeavour, and ridiculously practical steps taken regularly can develop wisdom in your life. Read more

Spiced Up Chia Pudding

By: Susan Joy

This spiced pudding is delicious warm or cold. Sweet flavoured spices like cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg not only make this yummy chia pudding flavourful, but so healthy. Read more

Roasted Vegetable Salad

By: Susan Joy

This salad is filled with hearty vegetables that are roasted in oil seasoned with turmeric and cumin, and served tossed through baby spinach leaves. It’s a perfect salad for cooler nights and it can be served as a complete meal for lunch. Save time by roasting extra vegetables the night before. Read more

10 Community Service Projects Perfect for Introverts

By: Brittany Ann

If you aren’t currently volunteering or helping out in your community in some way–what’s stopping you?

While lack of money and lack of time are two of the biggest reasons people commonly give why they don’t volunteer, there is another important, but often overlooked, reason that sometimes holds people back: They are introverts. Read more


Give Thanks… in Everything?

By: Annette Spurr

Give thanks in everything (1 Thessalonians 8:13). Everything? Even the bad things? That seems completely unrealistic and unfair. That’s what I thought, anyway… Until a near tragedy changed everything. Read more


Finding God’s Purpose for Your Life

By: Focus On The Family

He’s a long-time investment banker and a mentor to millennials… Author of “Know Your Why” Ken Costa chats about hearing from God about your purpose.  Read more