
The Words That Make God Gag

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

The Bible tells us that there are some words that make God gag. You know what gagging is, right? It’s also called “retching.” It’s that awful, violent feeling just before you throw up. This isn’t something nice to even write about! Read more

find Jesus

If You Want to Find Jesus, Don’t Look Within

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

Many people want to find Jesus, but they look for him in the wrong places. If you want to find Jesus, don’t look within yourself. Read more


The Original Christian Feminists

By: Tania Harris

Growing up, ‘feminism’ was a dirty word. It was what those aggressive, angry, bra-burners with their pant suits and cropped hair did to mess up the social order. They were out to get us – the church – who knew how to do male-female relationships, who knew what it was to be a true woman. Read more

seeing god

Awe Struck Wonder: Seeing God in the Every-Day Moment

By: Yvette Cherry

“Listen to this, Job; stop and consider God’s wonders. Do you know how God controls the clouds and makes his lightning flash? Do you know how the clouds hang poised, those wonders of him who has perfect knowledge?” Job 37:14-16 NIV Read more


My Good Good Father

By: Yvette Cherry

The woman had told several lies about me. Rumours circulated and the hurt grew. I was not who she claimed I was, but she was angry and hurting and it was easiest to blame me. Read more


What We Learn About Hearing God from a Valentine

By: Tania Harris

A single friend of mine used to “go on a date with Jesus”. She would mark the event in her diary, set the table for two, light a candle and pray for the evening. I understood the sentiment, but still found it a little cringeworthy. Read more

five second rule

The Five Second Rule – Truth or Myth?

By: Sam Chan | Espresso Theology

Just today I dropped my peanut butter toast on the ground. I picked it up and ate it, because of the famous “Five Second Rule.”

The “Five Second Rule” states: “if we drop food on the ground but pick it up within 5 seconds, it’ll still be OK to eat, because no germs will be on the food yet.” Read more

mason jar

Why Is My Drink in a Mason Jar?

By: Sam Chan | Espresso Theology

If you order a drink from any cafe, your drink will probably come in a Mason Jar.

The Mason Jar was invented in 1858 by John Landis Mason. It was mass produced in the 1900s by the Ball Corporation, with its iconic name in cursive, and the words “Made in U.S.A.” Once used for canning and preserving foods, it is now de rigueur for the global hipster aesthetic.

Whether you’re in Vancouver, New Jersey, or Lima (as I was last week!) your drink will come in a Mason Jar. Read more

what's next

Moving Forward When You Don't Know What's Next

By: Jennie Scott

Humans are, by nature, goal-oriented. We are a people who plan for the future and work in the present for that unseen yet approaching reality.

This is, perhaps, why we love our weekends so much.

In our relationships, we know what we want and what we want to improve. Read more