
He Touches Your Feet

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

When my wife came to Australia as a young adult, she had to attend English classes. She did these classes with a mixture of people from Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

In one of these classes she was sitting next to a young man from the Middle East, and for some reason, to get his attention, she tapped his foot with her own foot. She was completely taken aback at how furious he became at her! Read more


How Do We Explain?

By: Rodney Olsen

Looking across a couple of news websites I’ve seen a common theme.

“How do I explain this to my 10-year-old son?”

“I was ashamed to explain to my nine-year-old son that we had planned to cheat.” Read more

Strawberry Creme Easter Eggs

Strawberry Creme Easter Eggs

By: Susan Joy

It’s not always easy to find healthy chocolate treats for our children at Easter time. The delicious strawberry filling in these Chocolate Strawberry Creme Eggs will delight their taste buds and I’m sure yours too! My grandson keeps asking for more. Read more

The Day Jesus Messed Up His Nice-Guy Image

By: Sheridan Voysey

I have the great fortune of living in Oxford. Tolkien wrote his books not far from where I live. Shakespeare used to lodge down the road. And with a short walk to Oxford University’s Keble College, I can see one of the world’s most famous paintings of Jesus—Holman Hunt’s The Light of the World. It’s a touching painting, but the picture of Jesus it presents gets quite messed up each Easter. Read more

mother and child

Could You Leave Me with a Scar?

By: Neri Morris

In her debut single ‘Scar’, Missy Higgins belted out these deeply real and authentic lyrics: Read more

leader sacrifice

The Leader is the Chief Sacrificer

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

My mother was the chief sacrifice in our family. She was a little lady, seemingly unimportant to others. There was nothing outstanding about her at first glance. Most people wouldn’t have looked twice at her. But she gave everything for her husband and her two boys. And by everything, I mean everything. Read more

wild heart

Strong Back. Soft Front. Wild Heart.

By: Elaine Fraser

True belonging doesn’t require us to change who we are. It requires us to be who we are. – Brené Brown. Read more

easter marshmallows

Chocolate Coated Easter Marshmallows

By: Susan Joy

I’m thinking you want healthy treat options for your family this Easter. There’s no need to miss out on Easter traditions when healthy marshmallow bunnies and chickens can be made with additive free ingredients and coated in homemade or dairy-free organic chocolate. This recipe is vanilla flavoured, see my Pink Marshmallow recipe to make both colours. Read more