Failure Doesn’t Define You – It Refines You

By: Duncan Robinson

I did something big over the weekend. I deleted an old email address, and it was a big deal. Read more

Screen Time, Digital Wellbeing & Priorities

By: Robert Garrett

New technology releases have a habit of introducing a bunch of new, ‘must have’ functions that are solutions to problems we never knew we had. However, Apple’s latest mobile operating system – iOS 12 has an interesting new function called Screen Time. Read more

Tackling the ‘Momo’ Challenge – Advice from a Mum and a Psychologist

By: Clare Bruce

For kids and teens who spend a lot of time on social media and Youtube (and that’s most of them!), every year seems to bring new threats to their safety and wellbeing – from cyber-bullying to dangerous ‘challenge’ fads. Read more

Coles Supermarket Founder Paid for Billy Graham’s Crusade TV Broadcast

By: Annie Hamilton

‘Are you a millionaire, daddy?’ Judith asked her father. It was not long after decimal currency had been introduced into Australia.

‘No,’ he replied. ‘But it will make it a lot easier for me to get there now that the pound is worth two dollars.’ Read more

Why It’s Great to Be Irish on St Patrick’s Day

By: Sam Chan

St Patrick’s Day is an Irish holiday. But even if we’re not Irish, we can pretend to be Irish on St Patrick’s Day by having a good time and sharing a drink. Read more

How To Stop Worrying: 8 Simple Techniques

By: Clare Bruce

Ever catch yourself worrying to much? Fretting about things like relationships, work and health is part of the human condition. But if your worries are causing anxiety, a lack of concentration, muscle tension, and even insomnia, that’s when your worrying is doing more harm than good. Read more

Going on Mission – Find Your Life Calling While Helping Others Pursue Theirs

Above: Tim and Victoria Giovanelli and their two children.

By: Laura Bennett

Going on a ‘mission’s trip’ has become a rite of passage for many Christians. Replacing traditional gap years or holidays to share Jesus with new people is enticing. Read more

Hotel Mumbai – Harrowing But Powerful Insight into Human Spirit [Film Review]

Above: Dev Patel stars in Hotel Mumbai

By: Laura Bennett

Uplifting yet not for the faint-hearted, the new film Hotel Mumbai takes us back to the harrowing terrorist attacks in 2008 on India’s economic capital. Read more

Dealing With Bullying: Putting Power in its Place

By: Rachel Doherty

Bullying can be a difficult issue for parents to deal with, but when we boil it down to its basics, it’s all about power. Read more

Franklin Graham Tour Brings 59,000 Australians Together – And Counting

Above: Young people pour out their hearts in worship and prayer at a packed Melbourne Arena on Saturday, February 16. Image: Facebook / Franklin Graham  

By: Clare Bruce

It’s the roar of a packed stadium bursting with joy, as hundreds of people respond to God’s love and make decisions to follow Jesus. Read more