A Message to Mums of Premmie Babies, and Grieving Parents

By: Clare Bruce

When everything your family is going well, it can be easy in holidays and family celebrations, to forget that others are doing it tough.
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4 Urgent Conversations Australians Need To Have After Folau

By: Akos Balogh

The Israel Folau saga has uncovered an urgent need for Australians to have conversations about the sort of society we want to live in.
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How to Lead Teams in Changing Times

By: McCrindle

Last year social researcher, author and thought leader Mark McCrindle spoke at an event called The Future of Leadership where he presented a keynote on the topic of ‘Leading teams in changing times’, in which he outlined three ways in which leadership is changing, and three ways in which leaders can respond. Read more

Get Your Praise From God

By: Dr Eliezer Gonzalez

People are like mirrors. We look at them and think that we see ourselves in what we see reflected back. If we see things like forgiveness and love, then we believe ourselves to be worthy of forgiveness and love. If, on the other hand, we see unforgiveness and rejection, then we believe ourselves to be unforgivable and unacceptable. Read more

The Joyous Story Behind This Aussie’s Eurovision Performance

By: Clare Bruce

Aussie pop singer Kate Miller-Heidke had her global Eurovision audience of millions spellbound, as she floated seemingly through space, singing like an opera diva about the joys of emerging from postnatal depression. Read more

Five Simple Ways to Inject Gratitude into Your Daily Schedule

By: Michelle Mitchell

“I need some advice. My daughter is turning 16 next month. She’s a really good kid. She’s funny and smart and talented and she makes good choices. However, she is a complainer. Read more

Social Interaction is the Key to Good Mental Health for Seniors

By: Clare Bruce

When an elderly person starts to become forgetful, it’s not necessarily dementia. Read more

What Baby Names are Australian Parents Choosing this Year?

By: McCrindle

Each year, the states and territories around Australia reveal the top names given to babies in the previous year. Read more

Mother’s Day: The Most Important Thing a Father Can Do Is…

By: Robert Garrett

‘The most important thing a father can do for his children is…’ How would you finish this sentence? Perhaps you might say, ‘to give them a quality education’, ‘to set them up financially’, ‘to introduce them to as many extra-curricular activities as possible (sport/music/arts etc.) or maybe ‘to provide them with a good moral compass’. Read more

What on Earth is the Enneagram?

By: Yvette Cherry

Sometimes this thing happens in my life where I learn a new word or concept, hear about a new person, or restaurant or book, and then suddenly, I’m seeing that thing everywhere. Read more