Anxious Motherhood: My Ducks Were In A Row
I knew it in my gut I wanted to be a mum. In fact, pre-kids I used to say I wanted five children!
I knew it in my gut I wanted to be a mum. In fact, pre-kids I used to say I wanted five children!
By: Jennie Scott
As I write this, I’m sitting in a coffee shop, alone. Of course, there are other people in the building, so I guess I’m not technically alone, but I came here without anyone else, on purpose.
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By: Laura Bennett
Leaving a pet home alone, you do wonder what they get up to when no-one’s looking. Do they really long for our return? Or are we interrupting their wild block parties with other furry comrades?
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By: Michael McQueen
The unprecedented success of the iPhone is a globally recognised fact. It is known to have broken profitability records, dominated its competition and overwhelmed the market. It is likely that you are reading this article through the screen of an iPhone, and it is equally as likely that if you glance around you will see several more similar to yours in the hands of commuters or crowds or co-workers.
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By: McCrindle
Voted the world’s most livable city for seven of the last eight years, it is little surprise that Melbourne remains the fastest growing city. Yet the cost of living, pace of life, traffic and travel times in Melbourne have become such a challenge that more than half of Melbournians (55%) have considered moving out of Melbourne, a new study commissioned by CLARA shows.
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You know that feeling of not belonging? I get that feeling whenever I’m in a crowded room with people I don’t know. But you don’t need to ever feel like you don’t belong ever again!
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By: Laura Bennett
Borne out of Bethel Church in Redding, California, the music of Jesus Culture is known around the world for its lyrical power and heartfelt expression.
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In a 2018 survey half of the parents questioned believed that smart phone usage negatively affected their child’s mental health. And nearly half thought their child was actually addicted to the device.
By: Rodney Olsen
Are you someone who thinks for yourself or do you just go with the flow? Are you prepared to move in a different direction to the crowd around you? We’d all like to think we’re the kind of person that thinks for ourself and makes our own decisions, but experience would suggest that we often just toe the line without even knowing it. Read more
Hundreds and even thousands of Venezuelan migrants cross into Colombia each day, leaving behind chaos and deprivation. They’re hoping to find safety and economic opportunity in their neighbour nation or other countries farther south, such as Ecuador and Peru. But the journey is demanding, dangerous, and filled with uncertainty.
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