Jack’s Butterflies. Freeing Families From The Cocoon Of Disease
By: Timothy Charles
You may never look at a butterfly in the same way after hearing Jack’s story. Jack Gates, the fourth of six children, was born with Ohtahara Syndrome in 2011 Read more
Let’s Be Collaborators, Not Competitors!
by: Harriet Connor
As a mum, I know how easy it is to fall into the trap of seeing other mothers as competitors. When we meet another mum, we immediately start making comparisons; we want to know how we “rank” against her in different areas: our parenting, our appearance, our children, our cooking, our job etc.
How to Focus Your Peripheral Vision
By: Michael McQueen
The most disruptive threats that you and your business will face will come from the periphery.
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The Importance of Saying “Yes”
Jesus knew that this was his final journey to Jerusalem, and that his time with his disciples was short. That’s why, as he walked, he tried to teach them what was most important. Read more
Is Loneliness A Sin?
By: Neri Morris
Anything that distracts us from God, causing us to doubt and seek comfort elsewhere is sinful. So if loneliness comes from a place where you have taken your eyes off God, does that make it a sin?
The Identity Struggle – How to Be Known Fully
By: Susan Browning
So I did this clean out of our garage and stumbled across a familiar storage box. Filled to the brim with books. Not ordinary books though, the kind overflowing the ink of heart ache spilt onto the pages. The kind where identity leaks out, is refined and then found. The kind where strengthening joy seeds are sown in the secret place. It was a box of all my journals right back to the very first one. Read more