From Weakness to Strength
By: Steve Grace
He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. — Isaiah 40:29-31
Indigenous Message of “Love From Above”, on Australia’s Got Talent
By: Clare Bruce
A young indigenous Aussie who fuses native language, music and dance with electro-beats – and sings of “love from above” – is winning the nation’s heart with a golden run on Australia’s Got Talent. Read more
A Dad who Loved with All His Heart!
By: Jenny Baxter
Rarely do we, as children, consider the protective, all-encompassing love our parents have for us. But one day I saw it happen as my cousin’s sudden death began some unusual activity at our house.
Abortion Worker’s Shocking True Story told in ‘Unplanned’
By: Clare Bruce
“The one thing that all experts agree on is that at this stage, the feoteus can’t feel anything.” Read more
It Takes A Village… But The Village Is Sick
In recent weeks, to surprisingly little fanfare, the Morrison Federal Government has announced a new Children’s Mental Health Strategy.
Little Women – A Modern Twist on a Timeless Tale [Movie Review]
By: Laura Bennett
We may be stuck in a cycle of regurgitated entertainment, but in so many ways Little Women’s modern adaptation is worth it. Read more
Orange and Zucchini Bread
By: Susan Joy
This is a deliciously moist bread with a yummy coconut-orange icing. The flavour and moisture are reached by using fresh orange juice, zest, zucchini and sweet spices. When you’re given fresh oranges and zucchinis, it’s the perfect time to create a new recipe, I’m sure you will love this bread as much as my family does.
Church Denominations Divided Over Reproductive Health Bill
By: Clare Bruce
Gender selection is a serious concern for opponents of the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill that’s now before the Upper House of the NSW Parliament. Read more
Darryl Strawberry: Just Say Yes To Jesus
By: David Maegraith
The Southern California (SoCal) Harvest crusade saw 8,670 people give their lives to Christ over the three-night event held over the last weekend of August, 2019.
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