Can I Get a Busy Badge?
By: Rodney Olsen
You’ve had the same conversation a thousand times. You meet up with someone who asks how you’ve been and you answer by telling them … ‘busy’.
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By: Rodney Olsen
You’ve had the same conversation a thousand times. You meet up with someone who asks how you’ve been and you answer by telling them … ‘busy’.
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By: Stephen McAlpine
Speaking as a cynical, grumpy ex-Gothic X-Generation boy who all the other generations despise, let me say this: If you’re a Christian, it’s not OK to say “OK Boomer”
By: Laura Bennett
‘Discombobulated’. It’s a fun word to say, and apparently, was the feeling in the writers’ room when Charlies Angels was being developed.
By: David Maegraith
From her younger years, Emmy Cooper had a love for helping people in need and raising funds and awareness for different projects.
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By: Christine Addis
How many times have we second guessed ourselves when we are confronted with something we want to change and make a decision to do so only to give up because we fail to see the progress achieved by seemingly small steps?
By: Jenny Baxter
How did Anna know what to do with her screaming baby? By trusting her motherly intuition – and with a little help from her Mamma!
By: Tania Harris | God Conversations
Most often when I hear advice on the key to hearing God’s voice, it points to the need to get away from the hustle and bustle of life and find a place to “quieten your heart”. The idea is that this will help you sort through all the voices in your head and discern God’s voice amongst them.
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By: Michael McQueen
“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
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By: Clare Bruce
After seeing the bushfire devastation many have suffered, Australians are now asking how they can help. Below is a list of some of the charities that are welcoming support to help those affected. Read more